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Peter stands in front of a giant penthouse building.
Peter: *breathes out* Ok ok, just say you're sorry to Harry and just go on with your-
???: Peter Parker!!
Peter jumps into the air and turns around and sees Norman Osborn.
Peter: Mr.Osborn, I didn't expect to see you here.
Norman: Why not, I live here. But then again, you would know that, wouldn't you Parker?
Peter: Yeah...
Norman then begins to laugh.
Norman: Don't be scared Peter, I don't bite. And it's finally good to meet my son's best friend.
Peter: I hope I still am.
Norman: Had an argument huh? Well come on in, let's have you two get that talk you two need.
Peter: Oh um, I'm just here to-
Norman: Peter, come on. It'll also give us a chance to speak. To get to know what makes Peter Parker so special to my son.
Norman walks into the building and Peter follows behind. As Peter enters the building, he sees a man with short reddish brown hair with brown eyes wearing a security guard jacket, a light green shirt with dark green stripes going horizontal across, brown dress pants, and black boots. Peter stares at the guard and thinks he looks strangely familiar.
Norman: Flint this is Peter Parker. Peter, this here is Flint Marko, he's my most trusted security guard here. Hasn't let anyone hurt my family in about 15 years right?
Flint: Just doing my job sir, always have and always will.
Norman: I know you will Flint.
Peter: Wait, your last name is Marko?
Flint: Yeah.
Peter: Do you have a brother?
Flint: Yeah, named Cain. We don't talk alot these days but still love him to death.
Peter: Oh ok, thought I seen someone who looks kinda like you. Just wanted to make sure.
Peter and Norman wave Flint goodbye and as they head towards the elevator, Peter feels the bruises that Flint's brother gave him from the night before. Norman presses the button to call the elevator and a few seconds later the elevator appears. Norman and Peter enter the elevator and Norman hits the top floor button and the elevator doors close.
Norman: So, I heard you're a smart kid?
Peter: I guess, I mean I don't like to brag but I'm alright.
Norman: Take pride in your genius Peter, it's the greatest thing you have.
Peter: Thanks.
Norman: So, what happend at the field trip? You looked sick.
Peter: Oh, my breakfast just came right back for no reason, and I wasn't feeling well at all that day anyways.
Norman: Ah, I see. So nothing bit you at all, like a spider or something?
Peter's spidersense starts lightly buzzing his brain.
Peter: I don't think so, I don't remember alot, it was a few weeks ago.
Norman: Yes, I suppose you wouldn't remember. Say, have you heard about this superhero named Spider-Man?
Peter: Yeah. Though my boss Jameson thinks he's a menace he seems to be doing good.
Norman: Yes, especially to what happend to poor Dr.Connors.
Peter: You heard what happend?
Norman: I always keep tabs on my employees, old or new. It does seem strange that Spider-Man happend to just be there at the right time, almost like he was there at the beginning.
Peter: I was there when Connors became that monster. Spider-Man swung in and saved me. He was just there at the right time.
Norman: Of course.
Peter starts feeling his spidersense blare with trouble. Just as Peter feels like everything will go wrong, the doors open.
Norman: We've arrived already? And I had a feeling we were bonding.
Norman walks into the apartment and Peter shakes his head.
Peter*thoughts*: It must've been a mistake. Why would Harry's dad do anything dangerous?
Peter exits the elevator and sees Harry starring right at him.
Harry: Pete? What're you doing here?
Peter: I uh, came to apologise.
Harry: You couldn't wait until school?
Peter: Wanted to say sorry as soon as possible. Sorry for caring about our friendship.
Harry: Peter, I'm not... Sorry man, I didn't mean to sound like I'm mad you're here. I'm not, I'm just-
Norman: Dealing with his mother.
Harry turns around to see his father behind him.
Norman: Show him.
Harry sighs and waves Peter over. The three walk towards a black door and Harry opens it. Inside the room is a woman in a hospital bed with tubes attached to her keeping alive and sedated.
Peter: This is your mom?
Harry: Yeah, she's...
Harry covers his face and Norman puts a hand on his son's shoulder.
Norman: She's dying Peter. And I'm trying my best to keep her alive. This is why my son maybe trying to help you with your life and trying to help you is because he's worried and scared about his mother, my...
Norman began to shed tears but wiped them away.
Norman: Anyways, you can stay over for as long as you like, even sleep over whenever you want. I won't say no.
Peter: Thank you Mr.Osborn.
Norman: Now if you excuse me, I need to talk to Flint. Norman leaves and Peter puts a hand on Harry's shoulder.
Peter: I'm sorry man.
Harry: It's ok, it's ok.

(Down at the lobby)

Norman and Flint enter a room and turn on the lights.
Flint: Kid seems nice.
Norman: Yeah, he is. But remember your real target.
Flint: Yeah. I get it boss.
Norman: You ready, my Sandman?
Flint smirks and then his entire body turns into sand.
Flint: Ready as I'll ever be.

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