Nope. Guess I have to walk quicker.

"Y/N!" The sound of footsteps exams our audible.

Nope. Guess I have to start running.

"The fuck," the voice groaned.

My shoulder then was gripped by a huge hand, casing me to almost fall face-forward onto the pavement. How did he even catch up to me within five seconds?

Oh yeah, it's because I'm extremely unfit.

"What do you want?" I hissed, finally looking at the curly haired boy.

He sighed, shoving his fists into his pocket. "I'm sorry, okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "Since you said it so kindly, I accept your apology. Bye."

I try to run away again, but the large hands held mine tightly.

Stupid hands.

"Let's talk."

"Okay, like what we're doing now? I'd rather not."

"C'mon." Harry's hands pulled me towards him.

"You think that I'm letting you in my house? Hah, the project's over. We can go on hating each other or better yet, let's just not acknowledge each other's existence!"

Harry rolled his eyes. I can almost feel the sincerity bouncing off of him. "My house."

"And risk getting drugged. Nah, I'll pass."

"Dammit, Y/N. Why do you have to be such a stuck up bitch?" Harry spat.

"I don't know, it just comes easily. Just like how it's natural for you to act like an arrogant asshole," I hissed.

"Y/N. Five minutes. That's all I'm asking for," Harry begged.

Wow, that's new.

"Hmm... no."

"Why not?" Harry questioned.

"Because, I don't enjoy your company and I don't want to go to your house and I don't want you to go in mine."

"Weren't you curious about my house? you were asking about it during the interviewing part of that shitty assignment," Harry pointed out.

I thought for a while. He has a point. I'm curious to how his house may look.



"I said no! Okay? I just wanted to go outside on this beautiful day and take a nice walk. Is that too much?"

As if on cue, it started raining.

Harry smirked, crossing his arms. "Extremely beautiful day."

I groaned. Of course this would happen to me out of all people.

"You change your mind now?" he asks, humming slightly.

"Haha, well jokes on you. I have a house. I can go in it to escape the rain."

"Well, haha jokes on you. It's not that hard to follow you into your house."

This little shit.

"Fine. Five minutes, keep me any longer, I'll call the cops."

"Five minutes." He smile widely, throwing me his jacket to cover myself from the rain.

Hi. It's been a while. Sooooo... 5k reads? Yeah? Yeah.

Thank you guys so much. This is unbelievable. I honestly thought that I would at most get a couple hundred reads not a couple thousand reads.

You guys all made the same mistake.

I have some shoutouts to give.

First: anonymous_devil13 (Alexis)

You should all read her book 'Carter?' She's just started, but it's sooo good. She is an brilliant person and superb writer and you guys will not regret it. This story is gonna get bigger and better :)

Second: Crazy_For_Hazza (Chandler)

You guys need to read her book 'Not Your Average Good Girl' for four reasons. 1) It's amazing. 2) She's amazing. 3) I designed the cover. 4) I'm editing some of the chapters. You guys would totally live for it if you love Harry fanfics :)

You should read these amazing books and tell the authors that I sent you, who knows, I might be kind and give you guys something as a reward.

Oh yeah, please vote and comment (no one is even reading this XD)

Commenting encourages me to write more *hint* *hint*

Thank you for staying amazing and sticking through my crappy story :)

Love ya, bebz!

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