Part 16

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Part 16

We sat in silence, eating our food. However, it was occasionally interrupted by Harry mumbling something inaudible to himself.

I kept my eyes down, avoiding him at all costs.

It wasn't that hard, I mean, the food was really good.

The thing about this was, it wasn't one of those 'awkward' silences. It was peaceful. I didn't feel like we really had to say anything or have something to talk about. Not like I didn't like talking to him though, well... that's a lie.

My phone rung and I quickly answer it. "Hello-"

My phone was grabbed out of my hand.

"Hello? Mr. Y/L/N? Yeah, I'm with her. Yeah, I decided to take her out for dinner if that's okay with you, uh huh, uh huh, yeah, thank you, you too. Bye." Harry quickly hung up and started typing something in. He finally turns my phone off and gave it to me.

"Why were you being so quiet?" Harry finally asks.

I cover my mouth with my hands. "I'm still eating if you haven't noticed."

"I thought that you were mad at me."

"Why do you care? I'm always mad at you."

"I don't know."

The thing about Harry's 'I don't know' was that it didn't sound like he was just saying that because he wanted to avoid telling me the truth. He honestly sounded like he really didn't know. It made him sound even more confused than I was.

"Okay," I reply simply.

Harry stared at me with an eyebrow raised.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." He shrugged. "It's just the Y/N I know would've kept asking questions until a reply finally satisfied her."

"You don't know me. It's only been one day since we've met."

"Clearly, and thanks for reminding me. I keep on forgetting."

I rolled my eyes. "You said that you didn't know, that's good enough for me. But when you do find out the answer, you better tell me."

Harry smiled (like genuinely, not a smirk). "It sounds like another one of your excuses to talk to me."

"Yeah, it obviously is. I mean, we're obviously not gonna talk anymore since you live next door to me, go to the same school as me, and follow me everywhere," I retort sarcastically.

"Do you hate me less now?" Harry joked.

"Well, as of right now, you're not really pissing me off or flipping your shit, so..."


"I think the hate is on the same level. It's just, I'm tolerating you more right now."

"Oh, thanks. How nice."

"If you wanted a nice girl, you should've stalked someone else."

"Why do you always assume that I'm stalking you?" he asked.

"Well, why do you always show up where I'm at?"

"You mean school? Yeah, I'm forced by law to go there. Oh yeah, and I live around that neighbourhood before you moved in, so..."

"School might be the only exception, but just because you live next door, it doesn't give you the right to just come over my house when you want. Oh yeah, and thanks for following me to the movies. That was very kind of you."

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "You're never letting go of that, are you?"

I shook my head violently, crossing my arms. "Not until you admit that you did."

"Did what?"

"Follow me to the movies!"

"Fine." He sighed. "I followed you to the movies."

I nearly gasp, hearing him admit it so easily. "Okay. Why did you?"

"Again with the questions? Figure it out yourself."

"Well, if I don't ask questions, how will I learn?"

"Common sense."

"You can't solve everything with common sense..."

"I do."

"That explains a lot."

Harry called over the waiter, got the bill, and quickly paid (while ignoring my suggestions to split the bill), he then got out of his chair. "C'mon, we're done. I'm taking you home."

"Okay. Shouldn't we leave a tip?" I suggest.

Harry dug some money out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

Seeing that there wasn't much, I decided to add some if my money to the tip.

After that, Harry quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car (again).


We arrived in Harry's driveway since he lived right next to me. Even though the walk wasn't far, he still insisted on walking me home.

It in a way reminded me of when Jase walked me to my mom's car.

However, with Jase, I argued with him not to, but he did it anyways. But with Harry, he didn't even want to hear what I had to say about it. He just kinda took my hand and walked with me.

When we got to my door, Harry and I stayed quiet.

"What? Your not gonna ask for a goodnight kiss?" I joke, breaking the soothing silence.

"What's the point? You'd say no anyways." Harry shrugged. "Plus, I didn't keep my end of the deal."

I gasped. "Wow, someone grew up."

Harry groaned. "Shut up."

I laughed. "Well, bye."


As I unlocked my door, Harry walked home.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

The Amazing and Sexy Harry Styles: P.S. I can see your bra through that shirt. Xx -Harry

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