Part 36

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Part 36

His house didn't look like it belonged to a serial killer or rapist.

But then again, I've never seen a serial killer's or rapist's house.

Everything was neat. He had the walls painted a dark brown colour and there was a giant wooden table in the dining room area. He had black leather sofas that sat before a fireplace. The house was simple. No major decorations, just furniture.


I snap out of my trance. "What?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Is something wrong? you were just staring off like an idiot."

I frowned at him. "No, nothing's wrong. It's just- not what I expected?"

Harry stared at me for a while before smirking. "You've pictured being inside of my house before?"

My cheeks flushed. "Obviously not!"

Harry shrugged. "What did you expect?"

I thought for a while. "I don't know. Like black walls, skulls, weapons..."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, you're very funny."

"Shut up. Now what's your explanation?"

"My explanation?"

I glared at him.

"Oh, my explanation! Yeah... I don't have one."

"Then why the fuck did you want to talk to me?" I ask.

"I haven't really thought of that either."

This boy.

"Then why am I here?" I hissed, crossing my arms.

He laughed and shook his head. "I don't know!"

What the fuck is going on?

"Harry, are you okay?"

He nodded before laughing again. "I'm aye okay."

"Yeah, I'm gonna leave now."


Just as I opened the door, Harry quickly slammed it shut, pinning me up against the door.

"What is wrong with you?" I hissed, trying to make some distance between us by pushing him away.

"I'm high as fuck right now."

Is Ashton Kutcher about to pop out of nowhere and reveal that this was a prank?

Well, judging by Harry's breath; no. I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

"You were acting all normal earlier," I pointed out.

"What's normal?" he asked, examining me intently.

"Being a douche."

He smirked and took a step back. "Am I not being a douche now?"

"You are, just more giggly."


I nodded. "Now are you gonna let me go home now?"

Harry frowned. "I want to talk."

"About what?" I hissed.

He simply shrugged.


I crossed my arms. "Okay, how about I choose? Why can't you leave me alone?"

He shrugged.

"Okay, why are you always a dick?"

He shrugged.

"Why the fuck did you get high?"

"Because of you!"


"Me?" I asked, not sure how interpret his response.

"Yes you! you caused all of this. It's all your fault!"

"What are you even talking about?" I asked, really confused.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like that." He pointed at my face. "I hate it when you look at me like that. It makes me feel guilty."

"For what?"

"I don't know! That's why it's your fault!"

"It's my fault that I make you feel guilty?"

This isn't making any sense.

Harry shook his head. "See? You confuse me."

"No, Harry. You're confusing me," I say, crossing my arms.

"How? I'm an open book!" Harry shouts, opening his arms widely to represent what he interpreted as an 'open book'.

"Obviously not. Why do you think I constantly ask you questions?"

"Because you like pissing me off?"

I shook my head.

"Because you're nosey?"

I shook my head.

"Because you're in love with me and want to get to know me better?"

"Fuck no."

Harry stared at me.

"Harry, lets have this conversation again when you're not so... high."

"I'm not that high."

"On a scale of a one story building to the Eiffel Tower, how high are you?"

Harry thought for a while before answering, "A two story building."

"That's still high."

Harry groaned. "Fine. Then we will continue this conversation tomorrow?"

I nodded.

I needed answers as much as he did.

"You won't ignore me?"

"I won't."




I finally opened the door, leaving his house.

"I know where you live!" he yells, as I walk back to my house.

My first experience with high Harry.

Not sure how to feel about that.


Hi guise!

7k+ reads?


I love you.

Weird chapter huh?


I'm sorry. Things were getting so serious and stuff so I want to dedicate one chapter to it.

I love you.

Did I say that already?


Vote and comment pleaseeeee

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