Part 62

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"Okay, you're staying with me, by my side, during this party. Okay?" Harry said. I didn't have a chance to respond before he started talking again. "I don't care if you all of a sudden see Susie from math class and want to go over there and catch up with her because you can talk about how fit you think John from chemistry is during school. Okay? You are not leaving my side because I'm here to prevent you from doing something that you will regret later on."

"What if I'll regret not discussing how fit John from chemistry class is to Susie?"


"You shouldn't have come if you're just gonna be like this," I pouted.

"Y/N," Harry repeated more sternly.

"Okay okay I get it. I'm staying here with you because it's exactly what I would want to be doing at a party," I groaned.

Harry dragged me somewhere and I searched in my head for an escape method. Immediately as he walked through the house, people would move out of his way. I sometimes pretended that it was actually because of me but then I'd look at Harry's facial expression and know that it was, in fact, because of him.

Harry led us to the couches and sat down. Usually this is what I would be doing at a party but it's no fun that I'm being forced to do it. I quickly thought of a distraction that would work on Harry that would give me enough time to run.

"Oh my god, Harry, look! Jessica is taking off her top," I said to him, elbowing him a few times to express urgency.

Harry sighed, closed his eyes, and leaned back on the couch. "What's new? She does that everywhere."

"Wait really?" Damn. You go girl. Share that self confidence. Free the nipple.


Damn. My brilliant idea didn't work. I looked down at my feet in disappointment.

"Y/N, if you're gonna try to distract me at least think of something more elaborative. I have seen naked girls before."

"Wait, you have?"

"Why are you so surprised?"

"I'm not."

"Then why does your voice sound like that?"

"I don't know, puberty?"

"Could it be that you're jeal- what the fuck?"

I returned my gaze to Harry to see that someone had just spilt their drink on him. I look to see who was the culprit.

My eyes widened when I saw that it was Jase.

RIP Jase.

"My bad," Jase said while trying to conceal his laughter.

Harry simply got up and before he could do anything Jase dashed off.

"Stay here," Harry warned in an angry tone.

"Okay," I said quietly. Usually I would have a snappy remark but the look on homeboy's face was murderous.

Harry took off and Jase as I prayed for Jase.

"Quick, now's your chance," I heard a voice whisper. Mel.

"Did you arrange this?"

"Yes and I have Teddy as Jase's getaway driver. That means that the moment Harry sees Jase and Teddy drive away he's probably not gonna go after them because he knows that this is a set up and as angry as he is, he's gonna come back because of you now hurry up and move!" Mel explained.

I followed after Mel. "Why are you helping me anyways? Doesn't this ruin your ship?"

"You guys will overcome this. Plus, I'd rather hang out with my hot friend more."

"Aww, really?"

"No. I'd rather you end up with hot boy."

"That's nice to know. So, where are you taking me exactly?"

"Where there's a lot of people. He won't be able to find us."

"True true."

We stopped when we were in a large crowd.

"Why is there so many people in this specific area? Did someone take their shirt off again?" I asked Mel.

She shrugged. "Maybe."

I, being the nosey person that I am, decided to investigate. Words started to become clearer as I got closer to what everybody's attention was drawn to.

"Do you even go to our school?"


A whole bunch of cheers erupted.

"Excuse me," I said politely as I pushed through tens of people.

I finally made my way to the middle of the crowd to see that someone was, in fact, shirtless. Along with that, they were also giving someone a lap dance while wearing a Dr. Phil mask.

Okay then.

They finally turned to me and quickly took off their mask.




I know it's short but I love you so I hope that makes up for any disappointment.

You guys are cool. Especially you. ;)


Punk Harry ImagineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora