Part 19

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Part 19

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind that he's making out with that girl over there."

I turned around and surely enough, he was there.

He must've realised that I was looking because he stared right back at me.

He didn't even stop kissing the girl.

What a pig.

And there I was thinking that he might be somewhat decent.

I hate him so much.

"I don't care." I shrugged.

"You sure?" Jase asked.

"Yeah, we're not even friends. If he wants to go and kiss every single girl in this house, I still wouldn't care. He's absolutely nothing to me. He's like a walking STD," I breathed.

"Okay. Um, do you want to go outside?" Jase suggested.


As I was about to leave with Jase, a hand pulled me back.

Harry fucking Styles.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"With Jase. Couldn't you tell?" I ask.

His jaw clenched and his grip on my hand tightened.

"Y/N- oh."

I turned around to see Jase.

"You go first, I'll meet you there later," I say.

Jase nodded.

"The hell you are," Harry hissed.

"Jase, ignore him. I'll see you there later. Can you get me a drink too?" I ask.

Jase nodded again and walked away.

"What?" I snap.

"What did I say about hanging around him?" Harry warned. His grip on my arm never loosened.

I rolled my eyes. "Since when did I care?"

He held me even tighter. I tried not to show any pain, but it really fucking hurts.

"Feeling brave?"

"Why do you go back to that girl back there? I think you missed a spot," I scoffed.

He smirked. "Oh, jealous?"

"Jealous of what? Trust me, I don't have enough fucks to give out to all the girls you've probably hooked up with."

I swear, at this rate, my arm will probably pop off of my body.

"Oops? Did I make someone angry?" I laughed.

"Wow, I haven't seen you in full bitch mode yet. It's pretty hot," he spat.

"Go fuck yourself," I hissed.

"I can't. I'd need your assistance."

I almost vomited. "You back to your little girlfriend. I hope you guys are very happy together."

I saw a hint of amusement in Harry's eyes. "Is this what it's about. Look, babe. I don't have girlfriends. Simple hook ups. That's it."

"You're so disgusting."

"Well, maybe I am. But haven't people told you to stay away from guys like me?"

"Yeah." No point in lying there. "But I can't when you follow me everywhere!"

"I follow you because I can get a reaction out of you. Did you honestly think that you were different? Did you think that there might of been a possibility that I liked you? Well, here's a reminder. I can get anyone here. You mean nothing to me," Harry says.

I felt tears in my eyes. Don't you fucking cry.

"I hope you have a fantastic life," I said calmly.

He looked at me confusedly. "Okay. You too?"

"I will once you disappear from it."

And with that I stormed off in search for Jase.

Punk Harry ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now