Part 28

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Part 28

"Need a ride?" Jase asked, pulling up next to me.

I smiled politely at him. "No thanks, I can take the bus."

"You sure? I don't mind," Jase said.

"Jase. You told me that you lived like fifteen minutes away from me. It's fine. Go home."

"Y/N... I don't really care how far away I live from you. Now stop being a poopy head and get in the vehicle."

I smiled and got inside the car. Jase is such a good friend. I don't know what I'd do without him. I'm glad he's in a lot of my classes.

Actually, Harry's in more of my classes than he is.

Actually, Harry's in almost all of my classes.

Didn't Mrs. White tell me that it was difficult setting someone up with me? She told me that she found someone who took the most classes with me.

Obviously, that person would be Harry.

Was it because he barely shows up at school anyways?

Or did she purposely do that? I mean, she did tell me to stay away from him.

"You okay there, Y/N?" Jase asked, looking from the road to me, quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? You looked a little... distant?"

"Yeah, yeah. I was just questioning life."

Jase laughed. "Oh, does that happen a lot?"

"Yeah, only when I start thinking too much though," I explain.

"Oh, okay."

I bit my lip and started tapping my foot. I know that Jase hates talking about Harry, but he's like my only friend here. This whole assignment is making me questioning my whole entire existence.

I mean, it's not really a big deal, but I really felt like I need to vent.

Fuck it.



"Well, can I tell you something?"

Jase grew serious. "Yeah? What?"

"It's about Harry." I sighed.

Jase leaned back in his seat. "Oh."

"I know that you don't really like talking about him, but I really need someone to talk to me about this," I explained.

He nodded. "Okay, tell me."

"Well, in Mr. Gareth's class, Harry and I got put into a group. I tried to explain that we couldn't work together, but Mr. Gareth kept insisting that we could. Harry and I then got into an argument in front of class and now, he gave us an assignment that we have to do."

Jase nodded. It looked like he was really concentrated and actually listened to everything I said. "What's the assignment?"

"We have to write essays about each other."


"I have to write a legit one thousand worded essay about Harry and he has to do the same for me."

"Oh, that's not too bad," Jase admitted.

"I guess, but the only thing I really know about Harry is that he's a total dickwad."

"Then write that."

"I want to, but I also want to get a good grade. If I only write about how terrible Harry is, then Mr. Gareth might think that I didn't take the assignment seriously?" I point out.


"So that means that I have to talk to him, even though I'm trying to avoid him."

"Why are you trying to avoid him?"

"Because he gets on my nerves!"

"Oh. So the problem is, you want to stay clear of him, but you can't?" Jase asked.

"Yeah! And it's like every time I try to avoid him, I end up seeing him again!"

"Oh. Well, I don't know how to help you on that. If he bothers you, you can always call me, okay?"



When I got home, I immediately took out my homework.

This should probably take me a good three hours at most.

As I was about to start my math homework, the doorbell rang.

That's weird.

I got up out of my room and headed towards the front door.

When I opened the door, I'm greeted by none other than

Harry fucking Styles.

Punk Harry ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now