Part 29

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Part 29


He rolled his eyes. "You act like I want to be here."

"If you don't, leave."

"I'm not even inside of your house yet."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I asked. "Aren't you gonna come in?"

"Usually I wait until people invite me in." He smirked.

What's wrong with him?

"Geez, I didn't realise that you were some kind of vampire," I sneered.

"Y/N, I think you're getting this mixed up with Twilight." Harry snickered.

I opened the door wider and he got in. "Hmm, Harry Edward Styles. Edward. Edward Cullen? See the connection?"

"Perhaps, but if I'm Edward, who would you be?" he questioned cheekily.

"I wanna be Alice."

"Alice? My sister?"

"You know, you know a lot about Twilight. Secret obsession?" I asked.

Harry scowled. "Of course not. Who do you think I am?"

"This is going in my essay," I beam.

All of a sudden, I felt my back get slammed into the wall.

I looked up and saw Harry looking at me straight in the eye.

Sensitive topic?

He smirked and leaned in. I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"Wanna say that again?" he whispered slowly into my ear.

I quickly shook my head and pushed him off of me.


Harry nonchalantly walked into my room. How he remembers the way is truly amazing.

I quickly follow him into my room and watched as he made himself comfortable on my bed.

Yay. More bed sheets to burn.

"Y/N, you're staring," he pointed out.

"No I'm not."

He shook his head. "No, this is the part where you say, 'staring? Define staring'. Have you forgotten your script?"

I rolled my eyes. "Staring? Define staring."

"When you continue to look at someone for over three seconds."

"Yay, now that we got that out of the way let's do the assignment."

"The assignment? Is that what you think I'm here for?" Harry asked.

"Look. I don't like you. You don't like me," I state. "So, let's get this assignment done so we don't have to talk to each other again."

He tensed up. "Fine. But all if your questions are stupid."

"They're not stupid!"

"Yes they are. You never put much thought into it. They are simple and predictable."

"At least I'm not so unpredictable that I have to change moods every few seconds."

Harry clenched his jaw. "Just fucking ask."

"Fine. Since you don't like 'simple' questions, how about this: what's your biggest regret?"

"Not fucking leaving you at that fucking party."

With that, he got up and left.

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