Part 51

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Piercing green eyes stared at me, judging my existence.

"What do you want?"

Mel smiled widely. "I think you two have a communication error between you two and I kinda need you two to resolve it."

His eyes shifted from me to her, but soon returned to me. "No, I think we understand each other just fine."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded meekly. I couldn't stand to look at him right now. Or ever.

"See?" he confirmed. He went to close the door but Mel somehow managed to drag me in with her. Harry glared at us as I felt myself slowly trying to disappear. "Get out."

"No," Mel said stubbornly.

"Get out."

"You know, repeating it isn't going to make me suddenly change my mind and want us to get out."

"I actually do want to get out," I butted in.

Harry smiled fakely at me. "Get out.

"Will do," I squeaked, walking towards the door.

Mel pulled me back before I could isolate myself from the situation. "Stay."


I don't even know how I got myself into this situation.

"Well, at least he knows how it feels to have someone barge into their home."

"Excuse me?"

I looked up to see Mel and Harry looking at me.

Fuck I said that out loud.

"Nothing," I mumbled. I could tell that my face was probably red.

"Okay. Suit yourself," Harry said, giving up. "Don't touch anything."

"I'm going to touch everything," Mel whispered.

I glared at her. Where was she even going with this "plan"? What could we possibly do after we forced ourselves into somebody's house and refused to leave?

"Where are you going?" Mel asked as she watched Harry put on his coat.


"You're just gonna let two people that you don't trust in your house then while you leave?"


"You're insane."


"What if we steal something."

"I told you guys not to touch anything, didn't I?"

"Just because you say something it doesn't mean it's gonna happen."

"Okay. Don't touch anything."

Mel took a deep breath. I guess she's finally experiencing what Harry can do to people. Suddenly, she started running.


She started running.

She suddenly tackled Harry down to the ground. I was engulfed by horror as I watched the scene in front of me unfold.

"What the fuck! Get off of me! Fucking hell what's wrong with you?" Harry screamed as he tried to escape.

She suddenly pulled something from her back pocket and I heard a small clicking sound.

"What the fuck did you just put on me?"

She finally got up and held a little machine box type thing in her hands.

"I'm calling the police," Harry huffed. He went for his phone but couldn't. Mel. Pressed a button on her machine thing and Harry screamed.

"Fuck! Did you just put some kind of torture device on me?"


"What is wrong with you?" Harry groaned as he tried to take it off. His hand were too big for him to just slide it off and the bracelet seemed to require a key. "Where do you even get this type of thing? Isn't thing under like government control or something?"

"I got it from this shop called VIP."

My eyes widened. She got it from a sex shop?

"You need help. You need psychological help."

She pushed the button again.

"I hate you so much."

"Why did you even have that on you?" I asked.

I wasn't sure that I really wanted to know the answer to this.

"I though that I could've used it on you if you were being difficult. But it went to him instead, sorry," she said.

"Apology not accepted," Harry groaned.

"I wasn't talking to you," she hissed.

I was starting to regret everything I have done in my life leading up to this moment.

"Here." She handed the strange erotic torture device to me. "Make good use of it. I have piano lessons."

"I'm not gonna-"


And with that, she left Harry and I alone with a weird sexual device.


Bet you weren't expecting that.

I feel like the beginning of this book was somewhat normal but now things have changed and this is the chapter I'm putting out.

Do I regret anything?



Okay I'm really stupid. I finished this chapter yesterday and today I looked to see if I had any notifications and at least one person is super early but there was no notifications for this book. I checked and I forgot to publish it.

I hate myself so much sometimes.


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