Part 46

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Harry grabbed a water bottle from his fridge and threw it towards me. I, being the most athletic human to have ever walked on earth, wasn't able to catch it. It decided it hit my shoulder and leave a bruise instead.

I saw Harry attempt to hold in a laugh and smile. "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "Uh huh, very cute. I see how you get all the ladies."

"Do you now?"

"Why do you always answer with questions?"

"You're doing it now too."

"Oh. So can we talk about your family now or...?"

Harry rolled his eyes and plopped back onto the couch. "Are you going to be my therapist now?"

"No. I'm not gonna give you my input-"

"That's a first."

"Shut your face, you frog human."

"Moved on from gremlins?"

"I'm just gonna sit and listen. Something you should do more often."

He scowled. "What do you want to know?"


"That might take a while."

"I'm willing to wait."

"Are you?" He smiled cheekily.

"I am."

He stared at the wall across from him. "Well, when I was 13 my mom sent me to the states for schooling. I wasn't a very pleasant child and my mom thought that my aunt would have been able to... 'set me straight.'"

I nodded, listening intently.

He finally looked up at me. "I wasn't so fond of this decision, but she was so set on it. I could see how sick of me she was. How eager she was to get me out of her life."


"So I left. I even helped earn the money for the plane ticket. I helped out everywhere I could. Maybe I thought that once I did this, it would prove to her that I wasn't so bad. That I could stay with her. But it didn't. She thought I was selling drugs or something and still sent me.

"When I came here I was much worse. Instead of only getting into fights like I did back there, I started doing drugs and drinking. my aunt would make calls to my mom talking about how 'out of control' I was. When I turned 16 I made a deal with my aunt. I promised her that I would stop doing drugs and getting into unnecessary fights if she allowed me to live on my own.

"Of course, at first she was totally against it. I mean, how could a 16 year old possibly live alone? I started getting even worse when she refused my offer. There were some nights, even many in a row, where I wouldn't come home. My aunt finally gave in. Her friend owned this place and was selling it for a reasonable price. She told me that I could stay here if I could work and earn my own money and if I allowed her to check in on me from time to time. I agreed.

"According to my aunt, I got better. I caused less trouble and usually kept to myself. Even then my mom never said a word to me. I doubt she really cares anyways. She absolutely despises me."

"Harry, no she didn't."

"What happened to the 'no input'?" He raised his brow at me.

"Well, my input is going to be inputted when you're wrong," I retort.

"Right. And you obviously know my mom better than I do, right?"

"Of course not, but I know that she did not hate you," I said firmly. He studied my face as if trying to figure out what I was thinking. "Harry, your mother loved you. You said so yourself, she sent you here to set you straight. If you were such a terrible gremlin as you claim you were, you would know that your behaviour wasn't acceptable to her. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for her to make that decision? To send you all the way here?"

"Stop," Harry said forcefully, staring me down.

I stared right back at him. "She was scared, Harry. She was scared as to how you would've reacted if she tried to contact you. Of course she wanted to contact you. Of course she loves you. You're her son! Stop always assuming the worse in people, Harry. It only hurts you more."


"Stop what?" I questioned. "You can't always try to control everything around you! Just because there's something you don't like it doesn't mean you have to control it until it morphs into something you like. This is life Harry. You have to compromise."

"If you don't like the way something is, you change it. You don't just put up with it."

"Yeah, well, you're changing it to suit yourself. You are so unaware of other people's feelings. If you're changing it for the better of the world that's fan-fucking-tastic, but if you're doing it for your own benefit then all you are is selfish."

"You're right."

"I know- wait, what?"

"You're right."

"Yeah, I got you the first time. I just didn't expect you to say it," I admitted shyly.

He bit his bottom lip slowly. "I am selfish."

"I know, Harry. We just confirmed that."

"I'm selfish, that's why I hate it when you're around other people."


"I'm selfish because I hate it when you're with Jason and not with me. I'm selfish because I hate it when you act all friendly towards him. I'm selfish because I hate it when you give him nicknames. I'm selfish because I hate it that you possibly tell him things that you'd never tell me. I'm selfish because I want you. I'm selfish because I want you to want nobody else but me."

And that was when he pushed me down on the couch and kissed me.

And the funny thing is

I kissed him back.


Whoop whoop. I guess second time's a charm lol

(I never say lol I don't know what possessed me to say it now)

She's practically pregnant now.

They're practically married now.

Poor Harry.

I'll love you.


Punk Harry ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now