Part 44

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Today was the day of the wedding. I arrived before the ceremony to help Jase get ready.

Jase took a deep breath. I laughed at him and gave him a quick hug.

"Everything's gonna be fine, Jase. Relax."

He let out a shaky laugh. "Sorry, I'm just really nervous."

"Imagine how your mother must feel," I joked.

He nervously chuckled. "Yeah."

"Jase, you're gonna be fine. Your mother's gonna be fine. Everyone's gonna be fine. Okay?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He hugged me tightly. "Thanks, Y/N."

"Anytime, Jase."

"I'm all set now, thanks again. You should go get ready," Jase said, adjusting his tie and walking out of the room. "I'll see you later."



The wedding was beautiful, Jase's mom was beautiful, everything was beautiful. It almost made want to rethink my plans of staying single and living in a house full of cats. Almost. I stopped when I remembered how much I hated people and human interaction. I actually cried a couple times at the wedding. The old couple next to me was hiding me after I told them my relation to the family. Apparently it's weird to attend your new friend's mom's wedding when you're not dating them but whatever. They're just jealous that they're not as fabulous as me.

I'm currently chilling by the food table. Jase's mom decided that she wanted this wedding to be more 'fun' and 'interactive' so people wouldn't have to be sat down at a table and feel awkward.

"Having fun?" Jase asked, walking up to me. He smiled and waved at the people passing by.

"Yeah. This ceremony is beautiful. Your mom was so beautiful too," I gushed.

"So are you."


I looked up at Jase whose face was bright red.

He ran his fingers awkwardly through his hair. "So are you liking the food?"

"Yeah, it's amazing. Are you okay, Jase?" I put my hand on his back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He grabbed a water bottle from the table and chugged it.

"If you say so."

"Yeah." He took another sip of water.


"Hey- wait." I looked up at the familiar voice. "Harry?"

"Obviously," he scoffed. He grabbed a water bottle off of the table too.

"Why are you here? You didn't follow me here, right?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course not, don't flatter yourself." He looked over at Jase who didn't look so flustered anymore and with a smirk, he flung his arm around Jase's shoulder. "I'm here for my aunt."

"Your aunt?" I furrowed my brows. "Is she here?"

"Yeah." He took at sip of his water and pointed at something. "She just got married."

My eyes widened in terror when I realised that Jase's mom was his aunt.

"You guys are cousins?"

Harry nodded and Jase removed Harry's arm from his shoulder.

"Wow. I never would've guessed. I mean at school you guys act as though you're strangers."

"I guess you can say we're not that close," Jase hissed, glaring at Harry.

Harry chuckled. "I honestly had no idea that you were going to be here. I mean I knew that Jason had a crush on you and all but I didn't think that he would've invited you to his mom's wedding. A little too early don't you think, Jase?"

And with that, Jase stormed off.

I glared at Harry. "What's wrong with you?"

"Go ask that to him, I didn't go running off did I?"


I ran after Jase. It took me a while before I actually found him. "Jase, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

I nodded even though I didn't believe him. "Wow, cousins. I would've never expected that."

"As I've said, 'we're not that close'."

I took a closer look at Jase. I actually kind of see a resemblance between him and Harry, not that I would say that to any of them.

"Why don't you guys get along?" I asked.

"Ask him," Jase scoffed.

"I would, but Harry doesn't take questions very well."

Jase hummed in response.

"Look, Jase. Don't listen to him. He's an asshole."

"I know, but he's-"


I rolled my eyes. "Not you again."

Harry rolled his eyes before grabbing my hand. "Come with me."

I furrowed my brow, retracting my hand. "Why should I?"

"I want to talk."

I looked over at Jase. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is."

"No there isn't, Harry!" I snapped.

Harry's intense eyes softened.

"There is never anything to talk about with you, Harry. It's always one-sided. We can never talk about anything because every topic makes you feel uncomfortable and gets you angry!" I continued.

"Y/N, please."

"Please what, Harry?"

He didn't say anything.

"Exactly. C'mon Jase." I grabbed Jase's arm before walking away.

"Y/N, wait! Please!" Harry shouted exasperatedly. "I'll tell you everything. I promise."

His words made me stop walking, giving him an opportunity to once again grab ahold of my hand and lead me to God knows where.


Speaking of weddings, that's the reason why I'm updating so late. I was at one. Sorry. Whale that's a picture of me at the wedding making a strange face and my aunt looking drunk in the background. Excuse my face and chestical crack.

Love you guys


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