Part 21

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Part 21

I felt around my bed, trying to find the off button for that stupid alarm.

After a minute of finding nothing I sat up, immediately regretting it.

My head was pounding and aching.

I rested my head in the palm of my hands and breathed steadily.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I groaned.

So this is what a hangover feels like, huh?

I hate life is much right now.



"Oh, hi honey. How are you feeling?" Mom asked.

"My head hurts a bit."

"That's understandable. I would be surprised if you didn't?"

I turned red. "You would?"

My mom nodded. "Of course. Harry told me everything!"

That bastard.

"He did?" I choked.

"Yeah. Not like you would remember what happened."

"What exactly did he tell you?"

"That you were surrounded by many people and you got overwhelmed and passed out? You hit your head on the way too. Y/N, you could be so clumsy sometimes," my mother scolded.

I nodded. Why did he lie to her? Great, now he's gonna ask something in return.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. Sorry. I'll be more careful."

"No need, as long as long as that Harry guy is watching you should be fine."

I reddened. "I thought you liked Jase?"

"I do."

"Then why are you saying this?"

"Because Harry's also nice!"

"Yeah, but I thought you didn't like the kind of guys who had tattoos and piercings. C'mon mom, you can't tell me that you've never questioned if Harry's ever killed somebody!"

Mom stared at me for a while. "Is that what this is all about?"



"Are you and Harry not dating because you're scared of what I would say?" Mom gasped.

"Mom, no-"

"Harry is a good man. I might have been a little surprised when I saw him at first, but he's a good man!" Mom rambles on.


"When he carried you in all passed out, I didn't know what to do. Your father as well, but when he promised to always look after you and protect you, I didn't know what to do!"


"I couldn't help but cry! My baby!"

"Mom, I'm going to school."

"Bye, honey! You remember you bus stop, right?"

"Yeah, but I wouldn't have to if you guys just bought me a car..."


"Yeah, I know."

Punk Harry Imagineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن