Chapter 27 - D-Day

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"The person you are calling can't be reached at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone. BEEEEEP."

Tae turned off his phone and let out a soft sigh.

"Jimin won't pick up."

"It's ok Tae." Jungkook comforted. "I know Jimin. He is probably just busy. He thinks the world of you! There is no way he would let you down."

"He said he would bring the tickets soon!"

"Just be patient." Jungkook soothed.

Time had crept up on them. Today was the day that had been mentioned in the paper...

Time was running out.

"Patient? That's easy for you to say..." Tae mumbled, biting his lip nervously. "You aren't going to be killed today..."

"Neither are you." Jungkook promised, smiling. "Right Namjoon?"

"Of course." Namjoon smiled. "You'll be okay. Then we will all go to Quebec and act like princes for two weeks."

Just then, the elder had a lightbulb moment.

"Jungkook - There is someone I need to see. They may be able to help us." He explained. "Would you mind going to look for Jimin while I go and find them?"

"What can I do?" Yoongi asked. "I want to help too."

"Babysit." Namjoon ordered. "And I warn you - if you let anyone else near him or there is a single hair missing from his head when I get back, you won't have that pretty face for very long."

"Yoongi will be fine." Tae chuckled. "He used to be a dealer. I bet he has beaten up hundreds of addicts in the past. Right?"

Yoongi laughed and nodded.

"Of course. Some of those guys were lucky to leave with just a broken nose."

With that information safely stored in the back of their minds, Namjoon and Jungkook bid the pair goodbye before scurrying away.

"Well Tae, looks like it is just you and me." Yoongi chuckled. "Wow that makes me sound like I am some geezer from a movie!"

Tae chuckled and moved to take a seat at the back of the den in his usual spot.

"Do you think Jimin will get the tickets to me before it's too late?" The brown haired boy asked softly.

"Only time will tell, Kid." Yoongi said softly. "I'm sure they will be here before the evening comes."

They settled down opposite each other like normal, but his time Yoongi didn't grumble about baby sitting or ask them to split up. Today was different.

Tae couldn't wait for the evening to come.

He hugged his legs against the cold and shivered a little. He wondered what he would be doing right now if he had never found the papers.

He would probably still be polishing shoes with only Namjoon as a friend. Hoseok wouldn't have ever come into his life. Jimin's funeral would have taken place a long time ago.

Or would it?

Maybe something he had done due to the papers had caused a chain reaction and made all the events happen like that?

Who knew?

The past was in the past.

The present was now, and now he had a new life and a whole new situation on his hands.

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