Chapter 9 - Dope(d)

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(Double update <3)

The next morning, Taehyung woke up excited. He hoped that Namjoon would let him work alongside team J-Hope, but he could never be sure if he would be allowed to or not.

When he looked around, the older boy had already left for work, but there was a note stuck to his cheek again, and he pullet it off with a chuckle.

"Dear Taehyungie, I guess you are all grown up now. You can work with that jockey, but you must promise to take ultimate care of yourself. Let me know if we have to choose a different time to meet up during the day - I'm sure I can pull a few strings with my boss. Who knows? This new job of yours may help us move up in the world a little! I'm proud of you! Stay safe, love Joonie."

Tae beamed and folded the note into his pocket. He couldn't wait to tell Hoseok the news! Maybe this was his chance to actually make a new friend! Well- two friends including Hope!

He jogged away from the den, feeling empty handed with no polishing kit between his fingers.

Making his way to the race course, he navigated his way to the stable, but was surprised to find Hope all alone.

"Where's your master, huh?" He asked, stroking the animals muzzle. The horse didn't reply - Of course he didn't!

He walked around the stables and towards the building he had trespassed into the day before, where he spotted a room with several people inside, one of which was Hoseok.

There were muffled shouts coming from inside, and he pressed his ear up against the door to hear better.

"What do you mean, I was doped?" Hoseok growled, slamming his fists on the table.

"Your blood test results show clear signs of drugs. Science doesn't lie." Another man responded.

"I don't use anything like that! How could it have entered-"

"Jung, you realise this could cost you your career? If you are caught one more time, there are no more strikes, and you will be fired."

Tae gasped. Had Hobi been using drugs?

Suddenly, the door was yanked open and he fell inward, yelping.


He looked up to see Hoseok, whom he had interrupted from storming out of the room.

"S...Sir - I can explain-"

"No need. Get up. We are going."

Tae stood up and followed the jockey in confusion as he stormed back to the stable.

"Namjoon said I could work here." He said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Won't be much use if i'm fired." Hoseok grumbled.

"You aren't being fired!" Tae sighed. "Calm down!"

They went to find Hope, who was looking for them out of the top door of his stable. Hoseok went in and let Tae in too, shutting the door so they were closed in the space.

The jockey wrapped his arms around the horse's neck, sighing.

"What's going on Hopie?" He mumbled. "Why are they saying I was drugged up?"

"Maybe it's a mistake." Tae offered.

"Then why did I feel really stoned just seconds before falling off?" Hoseok asked. "Maybe I was drugged by another jockey... I bet it was that Taeshi!"

"It was probably nothing." Tae soothed, trying to calm him. "Take it easy Hobi, or you'll frighten Hope."

Hoseok nodded and sighed.

"I'm sorry.. anyway - Namjoon let you get the job! That's really great! I hope you will enjoy your time with me and Hope." He smiled. "You can have a break at midday, but the rest of the day, I may need help with training etc. Shall we aim for you arriving here at 7am, lunch at 12, then leave whenever work it done - probably around 6 or 7. You'll only need to work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sound ok to you?" He asked.

Tae nodded.

"That is perfect!"

"Then lets get to work. I need to prep Hope for training, then have a go at some high jumps. Let's get going."

They groomed the horse, and Hoseok showed him how to use each brush correctly. He also showed him how to put on the saddle, but Tae could tell he would need more than one reminder on how to do that one!

When they went out to the training course, his eyes were met with an array of brightly coloured poles, jumps, flags, and other things. He was taken aback.

"How do you use all this stuff?"

"Let me show you!" Hoseok grinned.

He mounted the stallion and spurred him into a trot, showing Taehyung how they leapt over the jumps, and weaved in between the poles and cones.

"That was amazing!" He clapped as he finished.

"Do you want a go?" Hoseok offered.

"Uh...I'm not sure if I-"

"Oh come on! It will be fun! Hope will take good care of you!"

And that is how, on that day, Taehyung found himself sat upright on the back of Hoseok's horse, tense and nervous.

"Just hold on to the reigns. I'll take you round." Hoseok instructed. "Don't panic - fear runs through the reigns. If you are nervous, he may be too. Hold on tight."

Boy, did Tae hold on! If he had gripped any tighter, he would have damage the stiff leather!

Hobi walked the horse slowly round the course, allowing Tae to get used to the motion, and soon, the boy was having time of his life!

He loved the feeling of the wind in his hair when he was up so high, and the gentle rocking of Hope beneath him was almost soothing. He felt so peaceful up there...

Hoseok smirked.

"Want to feel what it's like when Hope runs?"

Tae looked at him in alarm.


Before he could protest, Hope was trotting gently, with Hoseok jogging beside him while Taehyung held on for dear life. At least it wasn't a canter!

When it was all over, Hoseok helped him to dismount, and held onto Hope as Tae regained the feeling in his legs, but even after five minutes, he was still walking funny!

"That was amazing!" The younger man smiled.

"You're a natural! You should ride with me sometime." Hoseok grinned. "Maybe I can teach you a thing or two."

Tae beamed and took Hope's reigns to lead him back to the stable.

"I'll meet you back here in an hour. Go and eat lunch with Namjoon." Hoseok smiled, ruffling his hair before turning on his heels to go inside.

Running to the park, Tae spotted Namjoon sat on the bench and dived next to him.

"How was it?" The older man asked with a smile.

"It. Was. AMAZING!" Tae laughed. "He let me ride Hope as a reward! I had so much fun!"

Namjoon grinned and tossed him a snack bar.

"Eat up. You need the energy."

They ate together and a thought lingered in Tae's mind. Usually, a new paper appeared after the event had taken place, so would there be one there now?

That would have to wait. For now, he wanted to spend time with his hyung.

They chatted about Tae's experience riding a horse, and Namjoon's first experience of getting an order correct AND not dropping the drink all over the customer.

It had been a good time for both of them!

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