Chapter 2 - Future News

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The park in Ilsan was a pretty little place, with a large lake, and benches dotted around. There were trees, flowers, and little parts where children could play. It was by far the most beautiful place in the city.

Tae and Namjoon usually met on a small bench which sat especially close to the lake, and had a small bin beside it. Sometimes, if he could, Taehyung would look inside the bin for any newspapers people had thrown away, as, after he read them, he could use them as bedding that evening.

As Tae approached the bench that day, he noticed Namjoon was already there, looking at the tatty watch on his wrist. He had found that watch on the path one day. It didn't keep time very well, but the older boy didn't really care.

"You're four minutes late." He complained.

"You're four minutes early." Tae threw back, taking a seat next to him.

He reached into his pocket and took out the won notes he was collected. There were three 10000 won notes, and then the 20000 that "Seokjin" had given him.

"Where'd you get the 20?" Namjoon asked as he took the notes.

"Some guy. I told him it was my birthday and he told me to buy some kind of kimchi from a van somewhere in the park." Tae sighed, sitting back.

Just then, a man walked past them, throwing something into the bin.

Tae recognised the man for some reason... then it hit him.

"Speak of the devil." He murmured as the man disappeared down the path. "That's him, Joon."

"Looks fine to me." Namjoon smiled. "You should tell people it's your birthday more often! We might get more cash!"

Tae went over to the bin and looked inside. Sure enough, there was a neatly folded newspaper thrown in there.

He pulled it out and carried it over to the bench, sitting down and looking at the front page.

"Ilsan hospital fire kills four" He read. "Nice. Lovely story to celebrate my birthday."

"There was a fire at the hospital?" Namjoon asked. "I never heard anything. Read it out."

"Ilsan hospital fire kills four: Yesterday evening, a fire started in the recently built Ilsan public hospital, when an X-Ray machine wire broke and sparked. The building was soon engulfed in flames. There were four casualties in total, including two babies no older than 3 months, one elderly woman, and a young pregnant woman. Police are investigating whether the damage to the X-Ray machine was accidental or deliberate, but so far, no more information has been released."

There was a photo underneath of the building engulfed in flames.

There was a photo underneath of the building engulfed in flames

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Tae looked up at Namjoon and sighed.

"I guess the world is a more dangerous place than we thought..." The older boy murmured.

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