Chapter 6 - A Hard day's work

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Namjoon had to get up early again the next day. Being late previously had nearly lost him the job, as it wasn't the first time.

Tae was still fast asleep on the ground, even though rain was dripping down onto his body.

Namjoon smiled and covered the younger in a few sheets of newspaper to keep him a bit warmer and drier. It would work until he woke up.

He left the den while it was still dark, and crept away silently so not to wake the snoozing teen on the floor.

It took him about half an hour to reach the shop, and he had to run through the pouring rain to get there.

Shaking with cold as he pushed the door open, Namjoon entered the shop, dripping wet.

Droplets fell off his hair and onto the colored carpet and he pulled his clothes tighter around himself to keep warm.

"Thank goodness you aren't late toda- oh my!"

The owner came out and saw him in that state. Fortunately, she was one of the kinder managers he had had.

She led him to the back and allowed him to get changed into some of her brother's clothes before giving him a mop.

As he began to work, several more people came in and collected aprons. Most of the other part-timers were kind to him... save one.

His name was Yoon Siwoo, and he always arrived at the café promptly. He was a part-timer, who enjoyed teasing Namjoon whenever he made a mistake, or purposefully tripping him over.

As Namjoon was mopping the floor by himself, Siwoo also grabbed a mop and approached him.

"What you doing, Hobo?" He sneered.

Namjoon didn't respond. He hated being called that. It sounded so disrespectful. He may not have had any money, but that didn't mean he didn't have pride.

"Are you deaf as well as dumb?" Siwoo asked, hitting the boy on the head with his mop.

Namjoon rubbed the spot and shot a glare at the person before continuing his job. The minute he was done with mopping, he escaped the scene and took his shift behind the counter as customers began to come in for their morning coffee.

The first two coffees went fine... It was when he was dealing with the third customer that problems started.

"One cappuccino, extra frothy, with a blueberry muffin please." The woman asked brightly.

Namjoon nodded and went to the machine to start, but it was out of coffee beans. He sighed and opened the cupboard under the sink to find a new bag.

Pulling it out, he discovered there was a hole in the bottom...

Just too late.

Coffee beans scattered all over the floor and he closed his eyes, biting his lip in frustration. Now, not only would he be delayed, but he would also have to deal with the mockery arriving at the Siwoo airport in 3... 2...

"Congratulations Namjoon!"


Siwoo came over and smirked.

"Liking the new floor furnishings, but don't you think they are a little... unstylish? Maybe not where you live, but in houses, we humans prefer carpet."

"Please... go away..." Namjoon whimpered, wiping his eyes. He really didn't need this now.

"Go away?" Siwoo laughed, shoving his shoulder. "You're funny."

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