Chapter 4 - I thought I told you

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Taehyung was struggling to process everything. He had tried to be good - He had tried to stop Jungkook from being arrested...

After all, he was a homeless kid, just like him...

But it had all backfired. Now he was sat in the back of a police car with the very boy he had been trying to save.

"Why the hell did you follow me?" Jungkook growled at him. "I could have gotten away if it hadn't been for you!"

Tae apologised for the millionth time and looked out the window...

What would Namjoon say?

The car pulled up at the station and the officer grabbed Tae roughly, jerking him roughly out of his seat. Because they were both connected with a single pair of handcuffs, Jungkook was also pulled out.

They stumbled towards the building, going inside and being taken to the front desk.

"Two pickpockets found near Ilsan park. I'll leave them to chill out in the cells overnight and we will talk to them tomorrow."

"I'm not a pickpocket!" Tae insisted. "Tell them, Jeon!"

Jungkook looked him in the eye, then turned his attention the officer.

"Yeah. He works with me."

What the hell?

They had their mugshots taken and were both thrown into a small, cramped cell before Tae could say anything else.

He sat opposite the pickpocket, glaring at him

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He sat opposite the pickpocket, glaring at him.

"I don't know why I even tried to help you." He growled.

"Your 'help' got me arrested." Jungkook snapped at him. "You should learn not to poke around in things that don't concern you."

"Well sorry." Tae sighed. "I was only trying to... never mind..."

"I don't want your help. Nor do I need it." The younger boy growled. "Now shut up. I beg you."

Taehyung sighed and curled up in the corner. At least it was warmer in the cell...

He unwillingly found himself nodding off, and soon he fell asleep.

Jungkook looked over at the older boy and sighed.

"Who is he?" He mumbled.

Hours passed, but as the other boy slept, Jungkook found himself unable to.

The empty day switched into a golden evening, before turning finally into black night.

Jungkook fiddled with his hoodie strings irritably, not the slightest bit fatigued.

00:00 AM
01:00 AM
02:00 AM
03:00 AM
04:00 AM
05:00 AM
06:00 AM
07:00 AM

He could hear the police's clock ticking softly outside their cell, and Taehyung's soft breathing rhythmically echoing around the walls.

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