Chapter 11 - You're a singing star

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The next day, Taehyung allowed himself a lay in. Namjoon obviously hurried off early (and still ended up late) but he stayed in the den until well past 10am.

Eventually, he emerged, making a b-line for the Main Street, where Jimin's stage had been set up yesterday.

Sure enough, the pop up stage was there, but there was no crowd or music yet. That would start later.

Taehyung walked slowly up to the stage, gasping as he saw all the wires sneaking over the floor.

Imagine how much money this cost to set up? And Jimin was paying the fees himself...

That boy must be rich!!!!!

Just then, he jumped as Jimin appeared on the stage, sipping from a water bottle.

"Shall we do a sound check?" He yelled to someone hidden out of sight.

"Ready when you are!" The person yelled back.

Jimin picked up the microphone and spoke softly into it.

"Testing? Testing? 1 2 3?"

Nope, the mic didn't work.

The idol laughed and reported the problem to the backstage man, and it was sorted out quickly.

"Just rest it again for me please, Jimin." The man asked.

"Hello and welcome to my street concert." Jimin spoke into the mic, which worked this time.

Slowly, a crowd started to gather, with Taehyung at the front, and people began making donations as Jimin began to talk to them.

"So, today is my second concert! You guys were amazing yesterday and we raised ₩150000 for charity! I hope we can beat that score today and have even more fun!"

The crowd cheered and the music started.

Some of the songs were the same as the day before, but Taehyung noticed that he added in several songs too, with new dance moves and amazing high notes!

Then serendipity came on and he sang along, waving his hands with the crowd.

While he thought of it, he still had a few winnings. Why not give another 10000? It was for charity after all - and Namjoon would get suspicious if they had too much money!

He went over to the box and dug in his pocket for a crushed ₩10000 note.

Once again, Jimin noticed this act of kindness, and an idea crept into his head as he watched Tae disappear into the crowd.

"For my next song, I want someone to come up and sing with me! Let's take a look!"

He jumped off the stage - much to the fans surprise - and began to walk through the crowd, watching as everyone raised their hands and volunteered.

But he was looking for someone in particular.

Then he spotted him. The poor boy, who was tying his shoelace against a wall, didn't volunteer. In fact, he seemed to be avoiding eye contact.

Was he shy?

Jimin stood in front of him and smiled.

"What's your name?"

"T...Taehyung Sir..." he stuttered.

"Well Taehyung? Will you sing with me? I noticed all the kind donations you made, even though you don't need to. Please come up and sing with me!" The idol smiled.

Taehyung looked nervous. Sing? In front of all of these people?

They were all staring at him now!

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