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The next morning, Tae decided he would go to work. He had been wanting to see Hoseok for a while, and now he felt strong enough to go.

"Before you go," Jungkook said, catching his attention, "I want you to help me with something."

The younger boy was holding the horse shoe Hoseok had given him at the hospital, and Tae tilted his head in confusion.

Jungkook took him over to one of the walls and pointed at a particular spot.

"Let's put it here."

"On the wall?"

"Yes." Jungkook confirmed.

He produced a rusty nail from his pocket and smiled. He got Taehyung to hold the nail in place while he hammered it into the wall with a rock.  They did this three times and then Jungkook placed the silver shoe on the wall, hanging it upright.

"Now the luck will never drain." He smiled.

"Unless the wall falls down." Tae pointed out.

"Unless that, but that isn't important. That will never happen."

Taehyung smiled and looked up at his horseshoe before bidding the younger goodbye and jogging towards the stable blocks.

It had been snowing, and the paved streets were dusted with soft, white flakes, yet to be disturbed.

His childishness still lingered as he pranced around, creating small footprints on the untouched, snowy canvas.

After a while, he found his way to the stables and grinned when he saw Hope looking over one of the doors

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After a while, he found his way to the stables and grinned when he saw Hope looking over one of the doors.

The light was on in the stable, meaning someone was inside, so he walked quickly towards it, but when he arrived, a frown twitched at his lips.

In the stable was another boy, a few years older than him - maybe 17 years old? He had gelled brown hair and smart clothes, which looked freshly pressed and clean.

Tae coughed softly and the person turned to face him.

"Can I help you?" The mystery man asked rather curtly.

"Uh... have you seen Hob- I mean Mr Jung anywhere?" He asked, watching as the person looked him up and down.

"Why are you asking, hobo?" He sneered. "How about you run along?"

Tae bit his lip and tried to control himself. He didn't want to break down in public.

"I...ok," he sighed, turning on his heels, hands in his pockets.

He walked away slowly, feeling utterly rejected. Hoseok replaced him already? But he had only been gone for-


His thoughts were interrupted by a man running towards him like a lunatic and hugging him.

"H...Hoseok?" Tae asked, confused. "T...too tight!"

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