"I want her." She rolled her eyes and looked at her nails. Max said nothing, just shrugged and tagged her in. The crowd went crazy. I threw her into my corner, laying my boot across her throat. I hit her with crossbodies and elbows and submissions, releasing them right before she tapped. She laid on the opposite of the ring, crawling to make a tag. Instead, I kicked her back into the corner, walked over to Max and kissed him. At first, he resisted, but then he was kissing me back with just as much as I was giving him. I guess the thought of where we were hit both of us and as he pulled away, I hit him with a superkick. I picked the girl up by her hair and tagged in Joey so we could end it together. She sold a dickflip and my backbreaker, letting him get an easy 1, 2, 3. We played with the crowd for 15 minutes until the night was over, then we headed back up the ramp to change before we did meet and greets and pictures. 

"You wanna tell me what the fuck that was?" Joey whispered as we walked up.

    "I wanted to, so I did." 

"Millie. Look at me." We stopped walking and Joey grabbed both of my hands. "I love you and you are one of the sweetest, most loving, fun, energetic people I have ever met. Maxwell Jack Friedman is not. I don't want to see you waste your time on someone who cannot give back the same energy you give." I squeezed his hands before letting them go and running my hand over his jaw. 

     "I love you and you have no idea how grateful I am for you...but Joey I wish I could tell you what that felt like, or what it feels like when we argue and when we lock eyes in the hallway." 

"I  get it." He kissed the side of my head. "Meet me back here in 20 for pictures and everything, okay?" 

     "You got it, dude." He went down the stage to his locker room, I stayed straight, going through the curtain instead. 

"Millie..." a familiar voice said in a very unfamiliar way. 

   "Maxwell, I have known you for almost three years and I think tonight is the first time I've ever heard you say my name," I said as I pulled my hair from the ponytail it was in, carefully making sure I never looked at him. 

"Well, I've known you for almost three years and tonight's the first time you've ever kissed me," there was a little bit of Max, a little bit of his attitude in there, but it still wasn't what it normally is. 

     "Max, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have, but I mean...I don't know. I can't justify myself to you." I laughed. "I see the way you look at me, I hear what you say under your breath, I feel your eyes on me when I'm not looking, I feel how soft you are with me when we have matches, I watch you smirk every time we get into one of our little fights. You like it as much as I do. And when you came out tonight, with some ring rat on your arm like that? I got a little pissed off, because like, why does she get to hang all over you and kiss you and-" He closed the distance between us and put one of his hands softly on my waist. 

"You wanna know what drives me craziest when it comes to you? How you never, ever are afraid to be honest with how you're feeling and you will never, ever be afraid to tell someone how you feel." 

     "So you're not mad at me?" 

"Should I be?" 

    "I mean, no, I like to think I'm a pretty good kisser." I laughed. 

"I think you'll have to show me at least one more time before I can make a solid judgment call on that one." I smiled, leaned in slowly and kissed him for real this time. He wrapped his arm around the small of my back, pulling me close to him, but put his other hand on the side of my face. One of my hands sat on his chest, while the other gently made its way into his hair. Neither of us pulled away for a long time, but when we did we were both smiling. "So, you're telling me that's what I've been missing out on this whole entire time?" We laughed together. 

     "I still wanna fight with you, though. I like fighting with you. And I still wanna have matches with you and banter in the ring. I like wrestling with you. I still want to-" He kissed me again. 

"Fine, you want it, you got it. That's how this is gunna work. I'm still gunna call you a bitch and kick your ass in the ring, just as soon as we walk through that curtain I'm going to kiss you and then we can go get dinner, drink some wine, do a little more than fight for once." He smiled when he said that last part. 

    "You think it's going to be that easy to sleep with me?" 

"What, no, I meant like-"  

    "Max, I'm kidding. Besides, I would 150% already sleep with you." I figured if we were going to do this, I had to be honest. 

"Okay, so, I mean..." 

    "We have to go do autographs and stuff first and I am offically out of time to change." 

"That's fine, you look perfect." He slapped my ass and pushed me back through the curtain. Fans were lined up on either side of the stage. 

   "Oh my god! Mille why did you kiss MJF?" A girl asked me. She was maybe 3-4 years younger than me. "He's a total ass and you could do so much better!" I laughed. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" She nodded. "Max is actually really sweet and I think he's pretty hot. Like I'm not gunna lie. That is one fine man." We both laughed and took a few pictures together. "And I mean, besides, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get what you want." I winked at Max and run over to Joey so we could do team stuff. 

    "Well, Cinderella, did you get your ball?" He said while he was still signing pictures. 

"I did actually. Turns out the carriage wasn't a pumpkin at all." I smiled for some pictures. 

    "I'll believe it when I see it." He said, "but I am glad the princess still likes her prince after midnight." We signed the last few and told everyone goodnight. 

As we were walking to the car, I told Joey what happened with me and Max in the back. "Not gunnna lie, lowkey impressed." He laughed. 

   "I think it's worth a shot." I nodded and we talked about upcoming dates on the way back to the hotel. When I walked up to my room, there were two dozen roses and a card stuck to the door. 

    "If you're serious about this, you should probably get used to stuff like this. I've been waiting on it for a while. -Max."  The card read. 

"You're fucking kidding me." Joey laughed. "Okay, so maybe the dumbass does have a heart. How cute." All I knew was this could be a very interesting beginning for a very interesting thing. 

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