Enzo Amore Request

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"Hey gorgeous, how you doin?" Enzo hugged me from behind.
"Hey baby." I smiled turning to hug him around his neck, he pressed me against the counter and kissed me slowly.
"I love you." he stroked my cheek with his hand.
"I love you, handsome." I couldn't help but to smile. Enzo and I had been together for a couple of years and finally had our own little place. No Carmella, no Cass, just us. A little place in Orlando while I figured out NXT. But most of the time I was with Enzo, we didn't spend much time home.
"What are you doing tonight?" he asked.
"Packing for tour, with you?" I laughed.
"Oh, yeah. Forgot. Well, we've got all day. You wanna go to the beach?"
"The beach?"
"Yeah the beach." we did stuff like this all the time, playful banter with one another.
"Let me finish breakfast and we'll go, alright?"
"Sounds perfect, baby." he kissed my cheek and sat at the table while I finished up. We ate our breakfast and got ready for a day at the beach.

"My oh my." Enzo bit down on his finger when he walked in the bedroom and I had just finished putting on a cute blue bathing suit. "I'm the luckiest man in the whole entire world." he ran his hands over my hips and pulled me close to him.
"Quit it, if you don't we're never gunna get out of here." I giggled and pushed him away as he kissed at my neck.
"C'mon then." I slipped on a cover-up and we were out the door. Florida weather was good to us, it was hot and you could taste the ocean in the air but it wasn't too much. We went to our favorite little beach just right down the block from our apartment. We spent the day frolicing in waves and napping in the sand. We had fun when we were together and that's what was important. He took pictures of me and of us and they were all beautiful as the sun was going down we decided to go get dolled up and have dinner on the dock.
"Dinner on the dock, really?!" he knew how much that excited me.
"Yes, anything for my girl." he kissed my forehead and opened the car door. I wore a beautiful black sundress with a pair of heels and he was all dressed up in a black button up and black pants, my man looked good.

"Do you remember when we first met?" he sat back in his chair and smirked at me.
"I do, I do. 'Hey hot stuff, got a name?' and I told you my name was Elizabeth. You said 'yeah? I'm Enzo. Yanno what else starts with E? Electricity and I think you and me just had a spark' and from that second I was hooked on you." I laughed looking back on our little beginnings.
"You were and still are the most beautiful girl I ever seen." he held my hand across the table. "Aye waiter, could we get two classes of Champaign please?"
"Yes sir."
"Thank you." the waiter smiled and went off to fetch the glasses.
"What's up with you? Being so sweet tonight?" I asked as he looked up at the stars in the sky.
"Nothing, your my girl. And my girl deserves that. Nothing wrong with that?"
"Nothing at all." he kissed my hand as soon as the waiter came back.
"Two glasses." he set them down and carried on with his job.,
"To us." Enzo said and as I raised the glass I noticed a sparkly thing amongst the bubbles. It was a ring. Oh my god. Its a ring. A ring. Enzo. Its a ring is he... "What'd do you say baby girl? Lets get married huh?" he pulled the ring from the glass and dried it on his pants. He dropped to one knee next to me. "You're my girl, you're always gunna be my girl. I know I'm a little much, a little loud and a little hard to handle but I promise ain't no one ever gunna love you like I love you. You're my whole world, Elizabeth. And I never wanna lose you, so whatdda say? Marry me?" there were tears in my eyes and I didn't quite know what to say, I couldn't get words out. I shook my head yes.
"Yeah?" he laughed.
"Yeah, Enzo. I'll marry you, yeah."
"Yes, Enzo. Yes." I kissed him as he slipped the beautiful diamond ring on my left hand.
"I love you so much."

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