Two Strong Style {tyler bate request}

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"Hello love." Trent looked me up and down. This had been a thing for months.
   "Hey, Trent." I laughed.
"When, just when are you going to let me take you on a date?"
     "Trent, leave Luna alone, man."
"Keep harassing her and you'll lose every girl in this joint." Tyler laughed and Pete kept lacing up his boots. "Keep being that way, we'll have to lock you up again." He laughed a low, deep laugh. Tyler was young, the youngest one here yet he acted like the big brother. It was cute, he was cute.
   "At least hang out with us tonight? We'll teach you how to have a good time, British strong" He thought he was funny. I looked over at Pete who kind of smirked at the idea, and Tyler just laughed but waited for my answer.
     "Yeah? You think so? Alright, I'll go."

That night the trio met me in the lobby of the hotel, unsure exactly what was in store, I chose to wear a pretty black dress with red heels. I thought Trent's jaw would hit the floor when I stepped into sight.
  "There is a god." He chuckled, kissed my cheek and held me exceptionally close for a hug. Trent leaned down to whisper something to Tyler and I heard "bet I can get her to kiss me first." at the end of it. So, me being me, I walked over to Tyler. Looked straight at Trent and kissed him.
   It was amazing, his lips fit perfectly onto mine. His hands wrapped around the small of my back and pressed me closer to him. The world around us melted. We both pulled away breathless.
"I'm sorry, handsome, something had to shut him up though." I winked at Tyler before stepping back to fix my lipstick.
    "You owe me, 20 lad." Tyler laughed and clapped Trent on the back. The two of them skipped off to the car, leaving me with Pete.
"You know he just wants to have sex with you?" Pete looked at me with that sideways look that somehow made him hot as could be.
   "Who? Trent? Yeah." I laughed.
"Then why do you humor him?" This is why I loved Pete, he was always so honest.
     "Because I'm a beautiful 22 year old single girl. Why shouldn't I?" I folded my arms and waited for whatever sarcastic asshole answer awaited me.
"Because you're worth more than that, love. And you know that." Pete didnt say another thing, just walked to the car. "Are you coming, Luna?" He looked at me over his shoulder.
    "Uh, yeah..." I got into the backseat with Tyler, luckily Trent was driving. I won't say he makes me feel unsafe...but...I don't know if I trust him, especially after what Pete told me. Tyler kept stealing glances at me, I didn't know what to, I texted Pete.

"Pete...what ab tyler?"
    "Harmless as a damn housefly."
"You're sure?"
     "Yes, Luna. Jesus."

"Rudeass." I mumbled softly.
    "What was that?" Tyler asked.
"Nothing." I smiled and put my hand over his." He smiled as big as the sky and put his on top, his thumb running circles over my hand.

We ended up at a club on the other side of town, I didnt know the place but it seemed fun. And everything was fun, until Trent had a bit too much to drink and got a bit too touchy.
   "Dance with me." He slurred in my ear.
"I have been, you dork." I laughed, "Trent you're drunk."
    "And you're sexy. So what?"
"You need to go home." He kept getting closer. I could smell it on his breath, I couldn't handle it. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed me up against him, all the while pressing his lips to mine. His hands began to roam and fight as I tried, Trent was simply stronger than me.
   "Are you fucking stupid. Get off of her." Tyler flung Trent into the bar and just started swinging. Pete came and tore them apart. "HOW DENSE CAN YOU BE." Ty yelled, I couldn't do anything but cry. I was scared, not hurt.
"Get her out of here! Take Luna home. Take the car, I'll handle Trent. Fucking go!" Pete yelled at Tyler, who carefully reached for my hand and guided me through the crowd that had formed. When we got to the car, everything was silent. I noticed Ty's hand was bruising from where had hit Trent...
    "Is your hand okay?" I whispered, Ty just laughed.
"I've been fighting since I was 12, doll. I'm okay."
    "Thank you, Tyler. I mean it. I was...I was scared." He made me turn to look at him.
"Luna, I promise its okay. I'd do anything to protect you, Trent had too much to drink. I just...I need you to promise me he didnt hurt you," Ty slowly put a piece of hair behind my ear, "tell me you're alright. Just a bit shaken?" I nodded my head. "Yanno, this is all my fault in a twisted way. Had I not been so scared to tell you I liked you back then, he never would have started this mess."
     "What was that?" I looked up at him.
"Nothing," he chuckled nervously as I narrowed my eyes and made him tell me," you can't laugh okay...Trent only started chasing you so hard because he was teasing me for being afraid to. And every time he pulled that sleazy card, I just wanted to rip him away and make sure you didnt fall for that shit,'re like a princess,yanno? And I know I'm not anything that could save you, I know I'm not prince with a white horse, but if us sitting right here like this means guys like Trent cant hurt you and I get blessed with the opportunity to sit next to you, then...its worth it. And as long as you're safe, and will always be worth it." I looked at him, I looked at his beautiful shining eyes...full of hope, dreams, and kindness. And I kissed him, slowly, softly, hesitantly. Not at all like how I had kissed him earlier,this...this had feelings but it was every bit as perfect as it should have.
    "You are a prince, you don't have a white horse but that's okay I'm afraid of horses." I laughed and so did he. The ride back home was nice, we just chatted.
"Did your parents name you Luna because of your hair?" I was blessed with almost translucent blonde hair and bright grey eyes.
    "My eyes actually, the hair came much later." I giggled.
"You are by definition a moon child." He laughed.
     "A little yeah." We sat on the steps outside of my apartment now. "Tyler, I like kissing you. I like talking to you & I love your friends. Please don't let tonight's like tonight stop."
"I told you in the car, love. I'll always protect you, I'll always make sure you're okay, everything I can do to make you happy I will." He kissed me slowly, softly, deeply.
    "Come upstairs." I stood and pulled him behind me.

The next morning I woke up in a tangle of sheets and next to the cutest curly headed blonde mess.

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