forever&always {dean ambrose request}

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I stood in the bathroom running my hands over my tummy, leaving my hand on where I could feel the baby lying this morning. I lifted my shirt up, soon I couldn't lie anymore. I would have to tell him.
"Maria, let's go." he popped his head in.
"I'm coming." I quickly pulled my shirt down.
"What were you.."
"Nothing." I smiled and walked out.
"Hey, wanna go get wasted tonight?" he asked taking my hand as I walked doemstairs.
"Baby, I cant.."
"Why the hell not, cmon baby. We haven't been crazy in so long." he grabbed me by the hips and kissed me.
"Dean, cmon." I laughed, throwing my arms around his neck. "We're gunna be late."
"Baby, what's the date?" he asked, stopping in his tracks.
"The 18th.'' I said pressing the elevator button.
"No, that was Tuesday. Today is the 26th..." he whispered the last part.
"No it's not." I laughed until I pulled out my phone and checked the date.
"Its our.."
"We've been.." neither of us could believe we forgot our anniversary. One whole year. 365 days. And I still looked at him the same way i did the day we met
"Baby, happy anniversary. Tonight we'll go out, and I will great you like the queen you deserve to be treated like every single day of our lives. I'm so sorry I forgot."
"Hey, hey. I did too. Its okay. Happy anniversary, honey." I laughed and kissed him.
"Let's go." he pulled me into the car and we made our way to the arena.
"Hey kids." Seth greeted us. "Happy anniversary." he remembered and we didn't.
"Thanks." we laughed.
"Turn up tonight?" he asked.
"Yeah man, totally." everyone slowly started filing in, getting ready for matches and for for promos.
"Dean can we talk?" I pulled him over to the side. Back behind cases. And trollies, I couldn't tell him here. I pulled him down the hall to our dressing room. No one was here yet, now was perfect. "Dean...I.." I put his hand on my tummy, right where the baby was laying. I could feel little angel right on my pelvic bone. "Do you feel anything?" I looked up at him.
"No, princess...what's going on?" I started freaking out, thinking he would leave me when I told him. Tears spilled over. "Hey, hey, ria, baby. What's going on?" he cupped my face in his hands. I reached in my back pocket, handing him the envelope with the ultrasound pictures. He opened it slowly. I watched him look at the pictures all confused like. And realized he's proobably never see anything like them before. I laughed at his innocence.
"Look," I flipped to the fifth one that pointed the baby out and highlighted his hands, "Dean, that's your baby...that's our baby...there's gunna be a little ambrose. there's gunna be a little hellraisier.." I laughed through tears..
"No kiddin?" he whispered.
"No, honey. I'm four months along now.." he leaned against the wall, his head in his hands.
"I dunno what to say, Maria." he put his hands on his mouth now. "I ain't good enough to be a dad, that's for damn sure. I ain't never had one of my own really." his Midwest accent was more prominent, like it always was when he got upset.
" you're leaving.." I whispered.
"No, dollface. You got it all wrong. You're just gunna have to teach me and work with me on stuff like this, yeah? Cus, I don't have a clue what I'm doing." he laughed and wrapped me up in a hug. "That's ours." he put a hand on my tummy. "We made that, Ria. God I hope it's as beautiful as you are. Do you know what he, she, is yet?"
"I was waiting to tell you. We'll go to the doctor next week." I laughed and laid my head on his shoulder.
"We gotta go tell everyone." he laughed. Dean pulled me along behind him, grabbing a bottle of champagne from catering and busting into the makeshift lobby we had going on. "GUESS WHO'S GUNNA BE A DADDY?!" he popped the bottle open quick and hard, spraying champagne everywhere. Everyone cheered, Seth looked at me open mouthed.
"Seriously?" he asked. And I nodded, celebrating with my man. Everyone went crazy, bezerk and now Dean was swarmed and I couldn't be happier.

Ellie can almost walk now, her daddy is her number one fan and she loves to watch her daddy wrestle. Mommy is her best friend and daddy is the one who puts the stars in the sky everything.
They're asleep right now, Ellie in her little yellow poofy skirt, wearing uncle Seth's t-shirt...curled up on her daddy's chest. Dean has an arm curled around her to make sure she doesn't fall. I go and lay next to them, resting on Dean's other shoulder. Ellie isn't even asleep, just happy laying on her favorite person's chest. Elizabeth Addison Good, or little angel. "Come here to mommy, angel." I stand her up on my chest and start playing with her. Her giggles bring Dean back to the real world.
"My girls." he smiled sleepily, and kissed my cheek. "God, I get to wake up to this every single day." he smiled. "Maria?" he asked, his voice low.
"Yes, love?"
"Will you marry me? Ellie, give mommy presents." Dean held out a diamond ring and our daughter handed it to me.
"You're not kidding?"
"No." he said, still rubbing sleep away.
"I want you to marry me. I wanna do this the right way. Don't matter the order, I just wanna have my family with you. I want you. I want Ellie, and maybe another one before too long. I love Maria. Now say you'll marry me." he smiled at me.
"Well, yeah, of course I'll marry you!" I couldn't be more happy, more in love with my little family.

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