Chapter 1: I Can't Help You

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"Are you able to represent me, my company has been taken illegally." I said

"Apologies, we're not accepting anymore cases for the month." The attorney replied

I sighed, "Okay, thank you." I said and hung up, tossing my phone on my bed.

I've been spending every single day calling attorneys seeing if one could represent me in my case, everyone is booked or they don't want the case.

With so much going on, I'm sorry, did I forget to mention, my name is Taylor. Taylor Houghton, 25.

To make my story as short as possible, since it's the least appeasing story to hear, I'll make it short and simple. My father raised me and he has been in my life since I can remember, my mother died when I was just 9, so my father has been both my mother and father and I'll forever appreciate him for that. He raised me to be tough and to always fight and to never give up.. but with the way my cards are falling, it's looking kind of hard.

In a minute I'm going to give up and let the company go, that's not how I was raised, and plus my father and I both have put so much into this company that giving up should be the last few words in our vocabulary.

I sighed and grabbed a hold of my papers again, and
my laptop. I'm back to searching for attorneys and giving them calls.

"Hi, my name is Taylor Houghton and I'm the former owner of the company T. Houghton AF and corporation, it was illegally taken from me and I need an attorney to represent me to legally gain it back. Are you or anyone else able to represent me?" I asked

"How long has it been out of your possession?" She asked

"Just about a week or two." I said

"I may be able to help you, I just need proof that it was illegally taken from you." She explained

I sighed, "I have a piece of paper, but it doesn't insinuate any illegal actions taken, but—" I started

"Well sweetie unless you have documentation that it was illegally taken from you, I can't really help you." She said

I sighed, "Do you know of someone that can?" I asked

"No one will be able to take your case unless you have the proper proof and evidence that you need, you'll have to chop this company up as a loss." She said

I said okay and hung up.

I should've cursed her out, with her unprofessional ass. I know I'm not a lawyer but I know that I can at least appeal this or something, even if I can't get an attorney to represent me. She just flat out told me to consider this company I put all my hard work into, as a loss.

And if it was illegally taken from me, why would I have the "proper" documents?

It was taken illegally, there aren't any documents.

I tossed my laptop and phone aside and went into the kitchen of my large 3-bedroom and 3-bathroom house. I honestly don't need a house as big as this, but since I have the money to, why not get what I want?

I grabbed a granola bar and slid on my slide on shoes and a jacket to go with my leggings and half top I was walking around the house in. I grabbed my phone off of my bed and my car keys and left out.

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