"sabrina," he breathed out. he was annoyed and angry. how could she seriously be so shocked? "what are you doing! he- he- that man is a person! you can't do that!" he quickly spun around as she yelled at him and met her glossy eyes. "that man stole over three hundred grand of shipment two days ago!" tom snapped back at her. she knew who he was! she knows what he does! "i had every god damn right to punish that piece of shit!" tom barked loudly, asserting himself as the mafia king he is. sabrina just stared at him. he could see her eyes were confused. "don't forget who you're living with. i'm the mafia king poppet." he whispered to her, the annoyance she brought him somehow over weighing the pure lust he has for her.

he turned on his heels and walked slowly towards the front of the house to make sure the man was being dropped off at the hospital, like he always intended. sabrina made him weak. yesterday made him realize how he felt about her. it was more than just a bargaining chip, she made him see why his father gave up his crown. but he could never admit that, nor act upon it. he loved the crown to much, he loved being the king far too much. tom knew sabrina would run off, probably to the town, or back to her home. and as much as he wanted to go after her himself - he wouldn't. "alright mr. holland, he's ready to be transported." tom nodded at the driver.

"make sure you're hidden. don't need people making a fuss about me dropping a half dead man at the hospital." the driver chuckled and got into the drivers seat. tom shoved his hands into the front pockets of his slacks and watched the car drive off. when it was out of the drive way he went back inside making a straight line to his office. harrison and the twins were already waiting for him, and by the look on their faces something was wrong. "well spit it out!" tom snapped. the aggravation from his encounter with a certain someone still weighing on his shoulders.

"coleman reached out again," harrison said tapping a white envelope that was in his hand. "the prick had the nerve to threaten sabrina again!" sam rolled his eyes. "that american needs to get taught a lesson. yesterday." harry nodded. "exactly! tom can we please just go up to this mother fuc-"

"shut the fuck up!" tom snapped. his voice boomed as he smacked his palms on the desk. his chest was caving in deeply with each breath. sam and harry nodded a look to each other, they knew they said the wrong words. "we're just gonna-" harry started, "skedaddle on outa here." sam chuckled nervously the rest. harrison gave them a 'yeah no shit' smirk and they quickly left the office. tom hated the fact that sabrina was constantly in danger. "let me see it harrison!" tom demanded not taking his eyes off the wooden desk. "tom, no." harrison stared emotionless at his best friend. "what!" tom's eyes grew wide. harrison raised his hand to stop tom from cutting him off. "there are pictures of sabrina, more with red x's on her face, someones been following her. they have pictures of her in the back by the gazebo, from her window, and there was a note." once harrison spoke those last words tom knew he had to get that envelope.

"harrison-" but yet again he was cut off. "he said someone is close by, watching her until you slip up and let her out of your sight." harrison sighed, "so make sure not to make her upset will ya? god the weird flirtatious bullshit you two got going on is mind boggling." he sighed again tucking the envelope under his arm. tom's eyes went wide. he rush out from behind his desk and towards her room. without knocking he barged in and saw a very dark and lonely room. "thomas you fucking wanker!" he cursed at himself aloud. he leaned into the door frame pinching the bridge of his nose. "oh! master holland! mrs. lodge left a while ago, she said not to wait up for her and that you'd pick her up later?" the older women sounded confused. "god that girl is going to give me an ulcer!" tom grunted and marched towards his car.

i was walking fast and didn't take one look back. i was so fucking furious! yesterday literally meant nothing to him! sure we may have bickered but- but- for gods sake he gave me a piggy back ride!! got me this freaking adorable camera pendant! i let out a frustrated growl and shook my head. "get him out of your mind!" i told yourself. "im the mafia king poppet" i mocked his words aloud. i swore i could just punch him in his gorgeous face. in all my frustrated emotion mess i stormed out of the house without my camera, so thats great. i went in the opposite direction of the little town we went yesterday, making sure to stay clear of anything that has to do with him.

Sunrise, Sunset | T.HTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang