Chapter 1:

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First chapter, hope you like. :) posting more chapters later today!

Comment your opinions, i would love to know!




Chapter 1:

March 2010

Drip drip drip. The last of the grimy water falling from the dirt stained tap onto the concrete in front of me. The drops of the outside tap were all that were processing through my mind. But it was still constant never fading.

 Through my rapidly closing eyes I could see, amongst the chaos that my mother appeared. She watched with a devious smile on her face and I knew this was all her fault. She called them to take me away because she couldn’t stand the sight of me anymore. Anger riled in my core but I could do nothing, nor could I move.

 Mostly men but some women also were already surrounding me and dragging me to a white van pulled into the end of our driveway which conveniently wrapped around the house into the miniscule backyard, so they were hidden the neighbourhood and passers by.

Colours blurred together and I knew I was losing conscious. The world went dim and how long I would be out of it, I would have a clue. The women and men bundled me into their cheap, white van. Time lapsed together and I found myself sitting pressed in the far corner of the airy storage back of the car, hands and feet tied.

I moaned. My head was pounding and I wondered what they had drugged me with when I was least expecting it in the backyard of my mother’s dated Victorian house. But I didn’t think about it for long, because it hurt to think and stress.  

I sensed something similar to this was going to happen. Not necessarily today but in the approaching days. I was waiting for it to happen. Although I was prepared I was still a little shocked when they came for me at such an unexpected time.

The people who took me were familiar to me; they call themselves The God’s Angels. Mysterious to all but those who get involved with them. They were mostly just assassins but they despised being associated with that word.

They were convinced they were doing good by brutally punishing those who have sinned. The group was formed in 1988. At first some knew what they did and didn’t do a thing about it. Then the group of God worshipers went corrupt after two of their elite group were found guilty of murder.

No one planned for the small group to go as far but they did and they weren’t ashamed. The government figured the group would grow and eventually they would become uncontrollable. So, together with swat teams they took out all the 9 members of the group.

What the government and police didn’t figure out was that my mother; a regular church goer and worshiper for the clan, would recruit members to her own twisted version of it.

I was always suspicious of her. I slowly gathered intell from her office to find clues that would piece together her secret. I followed her when she went out and even went as far as tracking her to her work and from it.

My mother quit her job as a lawyer not soon after my dad left. From there she was recruited for a new job. I always assumed it was just another boring lawyer or office job but what I soon figured out in my early teens was that my mother had become a cold criminal. Not to my surprise though, I knew she was capable of the qualities a felon upheld. She always was.

My mother didn’t know I knew or even anticipated that she was the leader of the secret, corrupt organisation that is The God’s Angels. If she knew I knew for all these years I would be a dead girl for sure. Being her daughter wouldn’t change that fact. She planned to keep her special group of killers around and not to be noticed.

Although being a criminal didn’t take my mother’s undivided attention away from me and all the things she blames me for. To this day she blames me for the disappearance of my father. And every night I am reminded from her of what a horrible, unwanted little girl I am. Every day she grew more tired of me. The only reason for keeping me with her was that I reminded her of my dad. She may not like me very much but she loved by dad dearly even if he didn’t return the feeling. She never told me as such but I had a knack for reading her emotions through her eyes. I had known her all my sorrowful life after all.

But I knew the everyday she was plotting against me, ready to lash out once and for all even if it left her lonely. What I didn’t expect was for it to be when I was gardening. I was always ready at night sleeping with an old tow bar under my pillow, just to be safe.

I have always loved gardening and when I was little my dad and I would sit in the backyard working in the gardens. Well, that’s not entirely true. He worked and I watched occasionally helping out with the small jobs but it was still one of the many joyful moments we had together. Gardening was my haven. The one thing I shared with my dad who has been gone from my life. That was most probably why she chose that moment to call her killers I decide when I think about it. She wanted to take a happy memory of mine and turn it into something I would never wish to even think about anymore.

So here I am now. In the back of a brutal gang’s van that sure has had other prisoners, screaming in agony as they fought against The God’s Angels. My destination is unknown but I vow that I will stay strong and true to myself. They would never have me screaming for help. I had a deep pride that ran through my veins and no one, certainly not my mother and her group of criminal followers, could take that away.

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