Officer Novak

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POV: Castiel

I knocked on the door.

"Sir?" I asked.

"Come in," he answered.

I walked into the office. My boss looked up and gestured me to take a seat.

"You might wonder why I called you in."

"Yeah, I just guessed you had a case for me but-"

He interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. "I have a case for you."

"Then shouldn't Gabriel be here too?"

"No, I have something else for him. I need you on this case. There is this guy, who's name is still unknown, who has been pranking people all over the place. Switching sugar and salt in diners, pretending to work at a shop and well, not really helping costumers that much, but also stuff as ordering food and saying he'll pay when it arrives only then he sends it to a different house."

I chuckled. "What a madlad."

"Is this a joke to you?" he said angrily. Not that he ever was really angry but he sure made it seem like it.

"No sir, sorry sir."

"Yeah, I get it. Normally these type of cases wouldn't matter for us, but he's been doing it for so long we feel like we need to do something.
Plus, he's also been stealing stuff like food and such. I bet he's just living off stuff he steals since he probably doesn't even have a job. But the worst of all is that he's just taking a piss on us. He's leaving notes everywhere, saying stuff like 'come and get me' or 'wanna play a game of cops and robbers'. We can't have people running around, thinking they can do whatever the hell they want and get away with it or else everybody will be doing it. He's playing a game with us. And he's damn good at it."

"So you need me to find him?"

"I need you to find him and lock him up as soon as possible."

"Got any leads to his whereabouts?"

"Oh, yeah, small detail I forgot to tell you. He's been spotted everywhere around this state."


"And no, he isn't traveling in a specific order. He's just going around everywhere pranking people, stealing and breaking stuff and getting away with it for the past damn month. We alerted every shop and diner we possibly could but it's in five states, maybe even more, we can't warn them all. And he somehow even managed to avoid every security camera ever. They either were somehow broken before he entered the place or deactivated or he just stood exactly in the right spot to not being able to be seen. I don't know how he does it. But this makes it hard to warn people. 'Look out for a man with light brown hair and green eyes' isn't really a very useful description."

He took a map out of his desk drawer.

"Here," he said as he handed it to me. "In here is all the evidence we got, including a drawing of a description a few people who saw him gave us."

I took the map from him. "Okay sir, I'll get right on it." I stood up, about to leave the office. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why isn't Gabriel helping me on this?"

"Oh yeah about that, send him in will you? Got a different case for him. Some genius keeps hacking into all sorts shops and leaving, uhm, strange, messages."

"So wait are they both pranking and hacking into stuff? Doesn't that mean they might be working together."

"Yeah, we thought that too but the cases are still too different and at different places. Also the way of speaking in the notes and such makes us believe these are two different people."

"Oh. Well, a hacker, that sounds like a case Gabriel must enjoy," I said sarcastically, knowing Gabriel's computer skills and how limited they are.

"Yeah, well, it'll be good for him. He might learn something from it."

"Yeah, maybe he'll finally know to find the spacebar on his computer," I chuckled.

"Don't you have a case to solve?"

"Yes sir, sorry sir."

My boss was never really angry but I kinda wanted it to stay like that and since he clearly wasn't in a good mood today, I figured it to be best to leave and start on the case.


Didn't wanna upload this yet but I figured that if I kept waiting to upload something till it's completely done, I'll probably never upload it, so here ya go.

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