One Year On - Twenty Eight (Danny)

22 4 0


Who are all of these people?

What do they want with me?

Anger courses angrily though my veins while I flicker my eyes over them all. They want something from me, I just know it. What I don't know is what...or if I'm willing to give it up.

"Who are you?" I growl. "Why am I here?"

"What's he trying to say?" a woman asks...but not to me.

"Can't you understand me?" We seem to be speaking the same language. What's going on?

"What happened to him out there, Oliver? What happened to you as well? You both look terrible."

"We had a crash. The car...I lost control," a male voice shoots back. "I don't remember all the details, but we got separated for a while."

"And you have no idea what happened to him during that time?"

I move away, unable to listen to the reply. I don't know if it's because I don't want to know or because I don't believe these people, but as I move, I continue to get strange looks from everyone.

"You brought me here. One of you did," I yell...only my voice can't come out loud anymore. Something's blocking my throat. "You brought me here to kill me. But I'm going to kill you first. All of you. You scum bags!"

As I point my finger into the crowd, a shrill scream explodes from someone, making the crowd disperse. I don't know if it happens in slow motion or if it just takes my brain a moment to catch up, but the next time I'm fully aware, it's quieter, more peaceful. Time for me to escape, I believe.

I'm no idiot. I don't exactly know who I am, but it isn't a person who sticks around and waits to die. I need to climb over these walls, to find a gate, anything to get back to normality. The outside world has to be better than here.

"Hey, buddy." I turn to see a statuesque man staring back at me. "How are you doing?"

"I'm not your buddy. Let me go."

He furrows his eyebrows, confused.

"Okay look, we need to accept it. You're sick, so it's time to get you looked over, okay? I know the journey back here was hard. I was there with you, remember? But I care about you, you're like a brother to me, which is why I don't like you being ill. Katie doesn't either, she's so worried, but she's scared that you aren't responding well to her."

I don't understand what he's talking about at all. All I can do is stare in shock.

"Danny?" he asks. "Danny, please...come on. Let me help you. All I want to do is help you."

Does he really want to help me?

Is this a trap?

"Danny, come on. I'm your friend and you know it. So, let me help you..."

No, it's a trap. I'm sure of it. I need to defend myself now.

I leap, teeth bared, and I attack.

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