One Year On - Five (Oliver)

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"I think we should check this place out." I nod slowly. "Look, I can hear people on the other side of that wall, there seems to be some kind of civilization there, we could stop. At least for a while, couldn't we?"

I dart my eyes around at everyone, waiting for an answer. I see a lot of bobbing heads from desperate people who are sick of being unsafe, thirsty, tired, and hungry as hell. There's no guarantee that we'll find safety inside there either, but everything is up in the air these days.

"I don't know about that." Ryan's smug voice crops up, just like I knew it would. "I mean, we can't always trust your judgement these days, can we, Oliver? You've made more than your fair share of mistakes."

I scrunch my fists up by my sides as anger gets the better of me. I fucking hate this guy, I always have done but now it's even worse. He's like the Devil on my shoulder, begging me to kill him.

Especially now he's bringing up something I don't even want to think about, never mind speak of.

Why did I have to rescue him that day? I lost a good man in Enrico for him. I will never ever get over that.

"Ryan, this isn't the time to drag up any petty bullshit..."

"I don't think almost killing Katie can be classed as that, can it?"

I give him a glare, letting him know that tonight's the night I might actually snap. I might actually wring his neck and kill him.

How dare he speak about that? It's nothing to do with him.

"I am not talking to you about anything else other than this camp. It sounds like there are people in here and I think we should give them a try, see what sort of people they are."

"Well, I think it's best if we put it to a vote. You aren't the sole leader..."

"Ryan, just give it a rest." Katie rests a hand on his shoulder. She's doing it to silence him but the smug look he shoots my way suggests this is exactly what he wanted. "We all need to make this choice together, and your comments aren't helpful."

"I think we should do it." Danny's wise voice pipes up. "We all need time and space. We need a break. We can't live on the road forever."

Thank God for him. The day I found him everything changed and I've been grateful to him ever since. He's the closest person I have to me right now, aside from Katie.

Katie, the woman I love more than anyone in the world, but also the woman who definitely shouldn't be with me, especially after what happened...

No, I can't get lost in that right now.

"Come on, Danny." I nod determinedly at him. "Let's go check out the situation, make sure it's safe. Then we can make a suitable decision for everyone."

"Don't you think I should come?"

"No way, Ryan. You wait here."

"Yes, I'll wait here...with Katie."

My fists squeeze tighter. I'm definitely going to kill him. 

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