One Year On - Six (Danny)

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"This place seems nice." I dart my eyes anxiously towards Oliver. "Don't you think?"

"Hmm, I don't know yet. We're going to have to wait and see."

"They have high walls, the guys said their leader is really nice, they seem to have food."

"Appearances can be deceiving. Don't you forget that."

I blow out a hot breath of air, trying not to freak out as he says this. Oliver seems to be in a really dark place at the moment, leaving me wondering what he's going to do next. He hasn't told me much about his past, but I get the distinct impression that life hasn't always been easy for him. He's definitely had his struggles since the beginning of the apocalypse, and possibly even beforehand.

I'm happy for him to lead us, he has a strength that has gotten me much further than I ever did without him, but I'm starting to worry the pressure might be too much for him.

I really don't want him to crack.

"Ah, there's someone coming. She looks nice."

"Hello there." A stern-looking woman smiles thinly at us both. "May I ask what you're doing here?"

"We have just come to introduce ourselves." I step forward, trying to shield Oliver's glowering. "We've been on the road for a very long time..."

"And I'm supposed to believe that, am I?" Her attitude stiffens my spine. I only just notice the hostility now. "I'm supposed to think you're not from the Bandits?"


She rolls her eyes dramatically at me. "Now you're going to pretend you don't know them?"

"We really don't. We haven't come across anyone for a very long time. Are they bad people?"

She laughs nastily. "Yes, you could say that."

"What have they done?"

"You know what, Danny." Oliver rests his hand on my arm, taking back control. "I can already see this woman isn't going to help us. Let's go."

But the idea of heading back out there is too much for me. It knots anxiety into my stomach. We're doing okay, but only just. I don't know how much longer we can keep going.

"No, please." I give the woman a desperate glare. "Please, there's a big group of us, lots of people. Young and old. We aren't anything to do with this group, I don't even know who you're talking about. We just need somewhere to rest for a while. We've been on the road for so long, people are starting to lose hope, and that always leads to trouble."

"No, we're done here."

Oliver turns and starts to walk away but I don't join him immediately. I still have hope.

"You have lots of people?" She peers at me curiously. "And you aren't the Bandits?"

"We just want a chance to rest, that's all I'm asking." I push my hands together in a prayer gesture. "We don't want to impinge on what you've created here, we just need some time."

She glances over my shoulder towards Oliver, anger flashing over her face, and then back to me where she softens. She must be able to see my sheer desperation.

"I will have to meet everyone first."

Relief floods me, I get a spark of something like hope once more.

"Of course. Whatever you need, I completely understand. Thank you so much."

Now I just need to convince Oliver. Fingers crossed he's feeling reasonable.

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