Blood Moon- Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-

She pressed the cold steel against his neck and he immediately awoke eyes full of drowsy fear. His eyes began to focus in on the blade and Leaf's wild eyes.

"What are you doing?" Angeleyes gasped.

"You lied to me," she replied through clenched teeth. "Where did you go earlier?"

"I went out for a walk,"

"Liar! There's blood on your shirt!" she growled, pressing the blade deeper into his flesh.

"What are you talking about?!" he shouted, frantic now.

"The blood on your shirt! Under your top button!"

"I killed someone, okay? I drained her dry and left her body in a dark corner!" he sobbed.

Leaf stopped, hand trembling. "What?" she dropped the knife.

"I killed someone," he said, his voice quivering.

Leaf backed into a wall, feeling the world spin around her. Then a lightbulb went off in her head. "Did you kill Alexis Poirier?" she whispered, eyes wide.

"Who?" he asked bewildered.

"Alexis Poirier, she was an MPPF officer! Fresh on the job! She walked to her car alone one night and never came back! It was you, wasn't it!" she shouted, driving her emotions into every syllable.

"Yes, it was," he sighed.

Leaf vomited. All over the floor as far as she could see was her vomit. Her stomach was violent, thrashing desperately against her bones, trying to hurl itself through her belly button. Falling to the floor, Leaf realized that Angeleyes's arm was under her, holding her up, and in the great wave of fear that came over her, she fainted into the blackness of his gorgeous eyes.

Angeleyes swallowed hard as Leaf shouted at him about Alexis Poirier. So that was his victim's name? Interesting that he never had wanted to know it but now that he knew it felt closer to her. He knew he was being a hypocrite, showing his prey passion. But, there was something about Leaf that made him regret every death caused by his ivory white canines. He could feel her all too familiar anger burning the air near his nose and he knew he couldn't lie to her.

"Yes, it was," he sighed.

Then the air shifted and Leaf turned green, then began spewing up vomit, retching all around her. For a moment, Angeleyes sat very still, afraid to upset her even more. But, when she began to fall, he flitted to her aid, only for her to faint in his arms. He smiled down at her peaceful figure. Her pixie-like face, shaped in a heart was shaped by her short emerald hair, and accented by full pink lips and a pointed nose and ears.

If he could have denied it before, there was no denying it now. He closed his eyes, pulling up a picture of her oval, sparkling emerald eyes. He felt those eyes blazing in anger, passion filling every vein on her eyeball. He felt her eyebrows which had grown used to seeing connected in frustration. Now they were relaxed, peaceful just like her slow breathing.

Gingerly, he cut his arm with a sharp fingernail, and pressed the blood to his lips. Then, blood coating both lips, he leaned down to kiss her. When their lips touched, a spark of lightning whipped through them both and Angeleyes could feel some of his magic leaving his body to flow onto her tickle-me-pink tongue. Arising from the kiss, Angeleyes could see tiny fangs hiding in Leaf's mouth and he smiled.

"Now I'm yours forever, my love," he whispered, twirling her hair around his finger.

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