Blood Moon- Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-

            "I love her," he said.

            She didn't know how much he had really meant it in that moment or how good it felt to have her fingers intertwined with his. Her warm skin, so much like a human's, felt boiling hot compared to his searing cold touch. "I love her," he thought to himself, angry that he let it come this far. He had promised himself that he would never fall in love, but he couldn't stop it, as if fate destined them to meet.

            Angeleyes glanced over at Leaf who studied the neighborhood carefully, analyzing every movement made. He knew she was trained, he could tell by the MPPF brand just below her left ear lobe. The brand, wings, vampiric teeth, and glowing eyes, was as clear as the morning sky above them. As he sat he remembered the faerie that had attacked him and wondered who he was exactly to Leaf. For a guess, he figured he was an old high school sweetheart or some guy who had a crush on her. Either way, if he comes at Leaf or me again, I'm gonna bash his face in, he thought angrily. He knew his eyes were the shade of night, blackened with his brief bout of anger.

            The faerie neighborhood around him was peaceful and much nicer than a vampiric neighborhood. In the vampire's neighborhood, there was always a drunkard leaning on your door asking for another bottle of blood and gin. Angeleyes shuddered. The women in the street were half dressed and most were "blood whores" (women who give their blood to a vampire in exchange for sex and the high they get off of the feeding. The streets were filled with pubs and cafes. Even the clothing shops kept a refrigerator stocked full with bottles of blood or blood capsules. Angeleyes remembered his favorite cafe to frequent, Bag O' Blood. He remembered that it was there that he had decided never to fall in love again.

            Angeleyes walked up to the dark red glass door and pushed it open, ready for his usual Bloody Orange, a mixture of blood, orange juice, and champagne. Grainger worked the register, wiping his hands on his shirt and smoothing back his slick black hair, he threw the money in the cash register and growled out orders. His Bloody Orange was perfect, the mixture suitable to his taste buds and he turned to scope his favorite restaurant.

            To his surprise he saw his girlfriend, who he had been dating for fifty years, talking to the newbie vampire from Louisiana. He watched suspiciously as she flirted with him, touching him seductively and laughing into his face. Grimacing, he watched as they got up and walked to the rooms hidden in the back of the cafe. Battling his curiosity, he swiveled back around, trying to enjoy his drink, but he found that his Bloody Orange had gone bitter and he could force himself to drink no more. So, against his better judgment, he followed his girlfriend and the vampire's path to their room. When he opened the door he saw her neck exposed, blood falling onto the newbie's tongue. She was so immersed in the high, she didn't notice Angeleyes who stormed in and pulled him off of her naked body. He was too late; she had already become the newbie's blood whore.

            Angeleyes stumbled away, his heart broken. For the next fifty years he wallowed in his guilt and buried his sorrows in different liquors and spirits. Each night he dreamed about her, scarcely clothed, blood seeping from her neck. He remembered her human heartbeat, her warm eyes. When he remembered, he threw things, broke glass. But after the incident, he could never drink a Bloody Orange again, nor could he go near the back rooms of that cafe.

            Angeleyes prayed that Leaf wouldn't be like his Bloody Orange or, for that matter, like the first girl he ever loved. It would tear him apart. Gently, he put his head on Leaf's lap who absent-mindedly stroked his hair while licking her tiny canines. If there was anytime he could die, he wished it could be now when he found a lover that could make him happy, before he would mess everything up.


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