Blood Moon Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Later on that night Leaf Raines sat in front of her laptop going through the listings again. None of them were really what she was looking for so she called up one of her many sisters, Snowgaze. She wanted to make sure that Snowgaze was safe and warm in her bed.


"Hey, Snow, is that you?"

"Oh, hey Leafy, darling how've you been? How's work at that horrible prison going?"

"Mom, will you put Snowgaze on please?"

"I would sweetheart, but she went on a date with that nice fellow from down the road. But, if you would like Fireblaze, Lizzy, and Krystalle are here, if you want to talk to them."

"Sure, Mom put on Krystalle,"

Leaf had to admit that Snowgaze was her favorite, but Krystalle was a close runner-up. She despised Fireblaze and Lilly. She hated Fireblaze because her immaturity had nearly cost them everything and she never learned from it. She hated Lilly because she had left them so long ago when they most needed her.

"Hi, Leafy-girl!" Krystalle's excited voice screeched through the phone.

"Hey, Krystalle. How is the family?"

"Well, I'm sure you heard that Snowgaze is dating Ralph, who Fireblaze claims she is so desperately in love with. Lizzy likes a new guy, who is kinda cute. Heehee. And guess what?! Lilly sent us a letter. Father is all in a slump because he doesn't know what to get you for your birthday and mother is bouncing off the walls in glee because you called!!" she said quickly.

"Haha, thank you for the overload of information, Krysie! And how are you? Who are you interested in?"

"Oh, I'm glad you asked, you don't mind if I date Sunwing do you?"

"I guess not Krysie," she replied, immediately beginning to sulk.

"Oh yay!! Well I have to go spread the good news okay? Bye bye now!!"

After Krystalle hung up, Leaf hung her head and cried. Her auburn hair cut in a pixie fashion fell around her face, her make up smeared, her sobs echoed in her empty apartment. She had never felt so alone in her life. All of her life she had been surrounded by sisters, friends, or boys. What happened to the luster that Sunwing had said glittered in her eyes? He had been her first kiss, her first love and now he was going to date her sister. Tears like morning dew on a leaf fell to her lap.

She had thought when she received the offer to join the MPPF (Mixed People Police Force), that it was the peak of her life. That peak had quickly deteriorated to a downhill slope into shameful dreary loneliness. Ellyn's voice rang in her head, "...there is more to life than chisa." There was indeed, but the only thing giving her much attention was the money. With the money she tried to mute her depression and buy happiness. It never worked. The world was rolling without her, smashing her into the concrete underneath it, plummeting her in the black abyss.

Desperate, she replayed the faces of the male prisoners. Darrel, faced scarred with a long pale cut across his news, and eyes too blue to trust; Yelleg, gnome, hairy face, short, hirsute limbs; Lisak, vampire, eyes always bloodshot, teeth terrifyingly pointed, hair too blond to be depended upon; Ellyn, eyes green and wise, nose jutting slightly to the side, perfect little square teeth. The only one that even seemed close to her taste was Ellyn, but Ellyn was a prisoner and 100 years older than her.

Pushing aside her problems, she thought about Alexis Poirier, the victim whose body would probably be discovered the next morning, drained of blood or found walking around eyes crimson with the want of blood. She shivered at that thought thinking of her great grandmother who had been killed by one of those maggot-all-you-can-eat-bars walking around with their still hearts and frozen, acidic blood. She thought of Alexis, walking patiently to her car, fiddling with her keys, then getting a sharp bite in her neck. The pain and shock washing over her all at once, eyes flinging open wide. She could imagine how Alexis must have begged for her life, offered the bloodsucker some kind of deal in exchange for it. She could imagine him being brutal, slapping her, tearing open her veins anyway, sucking her dry, then leaving her corpse in the most disrespectful place he could find, leaving her half-naked in the mud.

Another tear slipped from Leaf's eye, the last one that fall for a long time because her luck was about to change.

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