Chapter 42 {The end of an old Beginning}

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Okay readers wow! I just have to start off my saying that I am so proud of this story and remember is always going to have a special place in my heart. Words cannot explain how I feel right now. I started remember about two years ago and I'm finally rapping it up. I planned on having this story go on until like 70 chapters but realized that remember needed more then just an dragged on love story. Remember has not only been a story to me but it's been a learning experience on so many new challenges and characters. it's truly taught me so much. I want to personally thank you for going through this journey with me that is 'remember.' Enjoy this last chapter and please be sure to leave your vote and/ or comment as we finish off this wonderful story. At the end of this chapter look out for the bold text describing a taste of what is to come for the future of this series. Thank you and happy reading! ~Love Kate


The trees that the car passes are all dead. The leaves are all on the ground. The sky is gloomy and the clouds are getting darker as the car drives further.

I look to my left and see Scott staring straight ahead to the scenery we are embarking on.

We're leaving town. We're going far and for a while.

"How do you feel babe," he asks.

"I feel like.. like this is the only thing that feels right at this moment in time."

We drive past three exits when he finally gets out of exit 8.

He pulls over to the soonest curb.

"You're so perfect Val," Scott looks deep into my eyes. His eyes look fearful.

"I love you Scott."

"I love you so much baby girl. You're gonna get through this. We're gonna get thought this. You are a beautiful little flower that's the only spark of bloom in my life, you know that?"

"I know that I want to go far away, with you," I respond.

I texted Jake moments ago telling him how sorry I am for leaving so abruptly but that if be back and I'd be back to stay but for now, I just needed to get out.

He smiles and squeezes my cheek with his right hand.

"Hey two hands on the wheel," I say sternly.

"Got it sergeant JellyMuffin," he answers.

"Jelly muffin?"

"Yea, because you're like soft and sweet, oh and you tase really-"

"OKAY, I get it officer. Just keep your hands on the wheel okay?"

He chuckles a little, as he lifts both of his hands up as in surrendering.

"HANDS ON THE WHEEL," I yell and let out a small laugh.

If my mother hadn't died I'd be laughing a lot harder but i feel like shit.

He puts his hands on the wheel and seems to sense how much more restricted I became in a minute.

My smile faded and I sunk into my seat more and got quiet.

He's just being a sweetheart. He's trying to make me feel better but he knows he can't really do that. Not anytime soon.

The next day

I must've knocked out because Scott's outside of the car walking back towards it. He has a huge smile on his face and I look up at the nearest sign when I see, "Relaxation Resort."

I'm not sure if this is what I meant by get away.

"Look baby. I got a hook up and we have the best suite here and we can relax. Don't worry we won't do the fun stuff, out of respect for your moms passing and your well being, we'd just simply relax."

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