~Chapter 30~

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My singing/screaming gets cut off my a loud knock.

"Hey can you calm the fuck down In there, geez some people are trying to make out in silence," Cassidy yells.

"Sorry," I say. Embarrassment is flooding over my entire body. Cassidy has been dating this new guy named John for the past three days and she's really into him.

I wouldn't blame her. He's hot as fuck. I would never tell her this though because she might cut my neck at night, but other than that they're a really cute couple.

I shut the water off and club out of the shower. I wrap the white towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom.

Cassidy and John are sitting on her bed, Indeed, making out. They don't stop when I walk around them to get to my side of the room. I open my drawers and take out clothing.

I'm going to a party with Cassidy and John tonight. John apparently knows this big shot on campus who owns a mansion, so I went shopping for quite an expensive outfit yesterday.

When I turn around to go back to the bathroom, I notice John staring right into my eyes. He then rakes over my body and I blush furiously. He smirks against Cassidy's lips and I quickly proceed on my walk back to the bathroom.

What the fuck was that?!?


When I walk out of the bathroom they aren't making out with each other anymore

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When I walk out of the bathroom they aren't making out with each other anymore. Cassidy is getting ready and Johns eyes are fixated on my upper womanly area.

I force out a cough and walk to my closet to grab a sweater.

I hear him mumble, wow, under his breath but decide not to comment on it.

I grab my grey cardigan instead, and wrap it around my chest.

"You look hot like always girl," Cassidy comments.

"Thanks," I shyly reply. I'm very uncomfortable right now. I should of worn something more conservative.

What's wrong with me. I'm acting so boring and anti social all of sudden lately and I don't know why. Actually, I think I know exactly why.

I tried to break up with Conner the day after my conversation with Scott. It wasn't the fact that Scott let out his feelings towards me that made me want to dump Connor. I needed to leave Connor. As messed up as it sounds I was just using Connor as a distraction from my real feelings towards Scott. I do intend, though,  to break up with him soon.

Scott hasn't been at college the whole week and won't answer any of my texts. I've been feeling really awkward and insecure lately and I don't know how to handle these feelings that have oh so suddenly arose.

Cassidy gets up and walks into the bathroom, leaving me and John alone. Uh-oh.

Please don't talk to me. Please don't talk to me. Please don't talk to me--

"You're a good singer you know."

Fuuuuuuucckkkk. Why does that method never work?!?

I don't respond, instead I just smile nervously.

"You know...," he stretches the last word.

He gets up and sits next to me. He's way too close than he should be right now.

"I bet I could make you put those vocal cords to good use one day," he whispers in my ear.

The bathroom door clicks and I shoot right up from my bed and walk over to the mirror.

Cassidy obliviously walks over to John and gives him a quick peck before grabbing her purse and walking towards the door.

She opens it and I follow right behind her. John walks behind me and squeezes my upper thigh, that's near my behind area, before walking in front of me.

I wince and walk further away from him as Cassidy locks her arm with is. Thank the Lord! Wait, but isn't this like sexual harassment or something. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's it.

I have to tell Cassidy, not now though. I hope she believes me and doesn't think I'm lying.

It would be really fucked up if our relationship were to end because of some guy who clearly doesn't give a shit about her.

I feel bad for her though. She, out of all people, doesn't deserve this. She's so nice and fragile. Well, when she wants to be. Still; she doesn't deserve to be stomped all over on, and I won't allow her to be.

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