~Chapter 22~

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I'm too early for my class but I had to lie to him. I couldn't bare standing next to him after knowing what he did. He lied to me.

He said he wouldn't hurt me but he did. He hurt me bad. I actually.. I actually loved him. Hell, let me stop. I still love him.

I still can't believe he's actually attending this college. He said that he hated college. 'It's stupid,' I quote.

I sigh once I realize that tears are running down my face. I quickly wipe at them and bury my head into the notebooks that are in my hands.

I lean back against the wall and let some more tears fall. Breath in and out. In and out.

When the doors finally open I quickly walk inside and take a seat in the front,
closest to the door.

When I notice that people are starting to walk in, I take out my phone and check my face through the screen.

I'm so glad that I didn't wear mascara today. Luckily, I didn't put heavy foundation either so it's not smudged from the tears.

I almost fall off my seat once I see who walks through the door. Guess who it is?

"Yo Scott!" Someone yells from behind him.

Scotts eyes immediately meet mine but I quickly look away. He turns around and greets the guy who called him.

As he starts to walk toward where the seats are, I pray to myself silently. There's an empty seat next to me and I do not want him to even think about sitting there.

Please don't sit next to me. Please don't sit next to me. Please don't sit next to me. Please don't-- Damn it!

"I hope that we can talk later," he whispers. The warmth of his mouth makes me shiver.

"N-No thank you,"I let out a little squeal as his hand squeezes my thigh.

I stare at him with my eyes as wide as they ever could be. He just smirks at me evilly.

"N-no prob," he says mimicking my voice.

"You were never a stutterer you know," he adds. He said that too me once before. Damn him for quoting his earlier words that brought and still do bring butterflies to my stomach.

I yank my thigh from his grip and start to write a heading.

I don't know why I'm writing a heading but I just need to do anything but look at him right now.

He frowns and I just pretend that I'm ignoring him when I'm really noticing his every move. He's just continues to stare at me though.


When the day finally ends I head straight for my car. I really don't want to bump into Scott.

"Hey! Hey Valerie Wait!"

Fuck my life.

I shuffle the keys in my hands and press the unlock button. I open the car door and am about to get inside when Scott slams the door inward.

"What the fuck!"

"Hey, calm down. It's not my fault that you've been avoiding me!"

The nerve of this mother fucker is one to always remember.

"Yes! Yes is fucking is! You did this, Not me!" I yell.

"I did this?" I nod my head and he asks the question with such anger and disbelief laced in his tone. "How the fuck did I do this! I was with you every second of the damn day and then you just move in with your mom without even giving me a single notice! You stopped answering my texts and calls! How is this my fault in any type of fucking way?!"

"Did you sleep with her?!?" I suddenly ask.

"What the fu-? What are you.. What are you talking about?," he asked exhausted and confused.

"Answer my question! Did you sleep with her!"

"Who are you talking about?" He asks his voice much calmer.

"Celeste Gustave. Did you sleep with her?" I feel my tears circling around my eyes and my vision is blurry.

"Why would you say that...now."

"You still haven't answered my question," tears start to slide down my face and onto my chin.

The hell with it lets let it all out in the open why don't we.

"I don't know what to say," he honestly answers.

"Is that why you stopped talking to me? You think that I slept with her?" He asks.

I nod my head as I start to sob now. He walks forward and I walk backward hitting my back on my car.

"Stop. I saw you and her that night when my brother threw that huge party. You were making out with her." I choke on my tears but still continue to speak.

"You knew how I felt about you and you went and did that with someone else. Someone who I always had suspicions about. You said that you would never hurt me. You lied."

With that I turn around and enter the car. I put the key into ignition and press the gas petal. I lock the doors but it doesn't matter, he doesn't try to open them.

As I drive away, I see him standing there with his face full of confusion. Why is he so confused? He did this.

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