~Chapter 25~

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"Connor, I'm not doing yoga."

"Oh come on, why not?"

I scoff before saying, "You just want me to do sexual poses so that you could get turned on."

"Oh sweet heart I'm already turned on."

I resist the urge to reply to that. "You're  weird."

"I'm weird?!?" he says in his sarcastic voice.

"Come on let's just exercise. You could work on your four pack," he suggests.

"You mean two pack."

His laughter fills the room and soon enough mine does as well.

"Wait..stop distracting me," he tries to make a serious face but I smile at him and he ends up smiling as well.

"Come on pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssse," he pleads.

"Fine," I sigh in defeat.

"Okay so first your going to do the downward dog pose. Capeesh?"

"Ca- what now."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully.
"It's an expression."


"Can you like... do it now."

"Oh right! yeah.. I um.. I'm just gonna um."

"Yeah okay..please pick up the pace I have to leave in a couple of minutes,  remember."

"Yeah sorry.. I just I um.. I have not one clue how to do that pose or any yoga poses really."

"Here, let me help you."

He positions himself behind me and bends me down.

"What, you're not going to pat me down?" I ask playfully.

"Um..no calm down you sex crazed animal."

"I've never had sex," I state proudly.

"Sure you haven't."

"No I'm not lying..I haven't... like ever," I remind him. I've told him before he just doesn't remember anything I tell him.


"I told you this before."

"Oh sorry I must've forg--."

Before he could finish his sentence a very familiar face walks through the door.

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