~Chapter 37~

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"What the fuck?!?!?"

"Hey man, how's it going," Scott stays with a smile bright on his face.

"Are you kidding me Valerie!"

"look, it's not her fault; it's just the hormones man," Scott adds.

I send Scott a deep scowl and look at Connor pleadingly.

The look on Connors face is making me feel like a bag of dog poop. Connor is yet another victim of the, cheat on you with Scott case.

"How could you do this to me, Val," Connor questions almost breathlessly.

Scott's jaw twitches from the fact that he called me Val and to be completely honest, I kinda get annoyed about it too.

"Connor I'm so sorry and I can't make up an excuse because I cheated on you and that was wrong," I admit.

"Yes Val that was very wrong, so fucking wrong. I just don't get you. This guy will leave you, you know. You think that he's your Prince Charming...*huffs* well you're in for a very rude awakening. I guess that all the time that we've shared together means nothing to you. I actually cared about you Val, I really did," and with that he walks away.

I feel like absolute shit. How could I do this to Connor? How could I make him feel so miserable? Why am I such a fuck up!

"Hey Val, it's okay. He's a---"

"Please leave..," I say almost as a whisper but I know that he heard me.

"What?" I can hear his shocked voice trying to cover his hurt interior.

"Please leave right now Scott," I say a little louder. I start to cry and I'm not crying because I love Connor but I'm crying because I did something really wrong when I knew that I shouldn't have.

"Why the fuck are you crying!?," Scott yells.

"Scott! Just go!"

"No you're going to explain to me right now why you are crying."

He steps closer to me and kneels.

"I..I just told you that I'm falling in love with you and you are crying over him," his voice cracks in the midst of this and hearing that makes my heart pound of anger. I don't ever want him sad, and he put himself out there for me! Another guy who gives a shit about me for some weird ass reason, I'm the worst.

If I were to reject him then I would have broken two hearts today. But unlike Connor, Scott is the most important person in my life and I wouldn't put anyone before him.

I'd put him before me damn it.

"No Scott, don't think that this is why I'm crying. I just feel terrible because if that were me in that situation I'd be heartbroken."

"Okay...yes, what you did was kinda fucked up, but Valie we're both pretty fucked up," he states.


"Yes that's your new nickname, for now. The fact that he called you Val *cringes* makes my jaw twitch. Every time he said it, I wanted to bash his skull in, but I knew that you wouldn't really like that, would you.."

He gives a small smirk and I laugh a little.

"Anywho yes we've both done some pretty shitty things but none of them were intended to hurt anyone at all. We are good people, we're just really really dumb," he adds.

"I guess that's one way to go about it," I smile and then Scott lays down on my bed.

"Scott what are you doing, nows not the time for that type of stuff," I say sternly.

"I never wanted to do anything like that Valie. I literally just want to lay with you and feel relaxed for once, with no worries."

I accept his sweet gesture and snuggle into his chest. He rests his chin on my head and I start to feel so relaxed and warm. I notice how his muscles have become less tense and how he really is fully giving himself to me.

My Scott is doing this for me. He opened up to me. He wants me and he knows that I want him.

Only, he doesn't rlly know this about me, but I'm NOT relaxed. I'm surrounded by chaos that he will probably figure out soon, but I'd rather him not. I don't need him worrying for me.

We've been through enough shit. I just want us to be happy, and I don't want what happens outside of our small little circle to project our relationship.

I almost got raped yesterday, John has been a pervert and I don't trust him with my roommate, and I owe Connor a very big apology.

I'll worry about that later though, I just want to stay snuggled with Scott and let all of my worries drown away in his natural scent that just smells wonderful. It's indescribable because this boy is a mystery, oh but a joyous mystery he is. His scent smells like home and Scott his my home. That's my description.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! IM BACKKKK. Everyone, I feel awful for not updating sooner. It's definitely been too long and writing just now rlly just brought my buzz back. I had the roughest year of my life and I've been ignoring all of my talents and interests and things that just make me happy, but I refuse to give up on this. Giving up is not an option.

And THANK YOU So so much for reading, I really appreciate it. Plz don't forget to leave a Vote and a comment if you have the time. I love feedback :) Also just plz don't give up on this story, I'm so proud of it and I can't wait for you guys to see what happens next.

Btw I know that the latest chapters have kinda been serious lately but don't worry I'll bring in a lighter mood for the next few chapters. Everything I'm doing is for a reason, remember that. ;)

Okay bye guys, I'll be updating soon. Ilysssssssssssm! -Kate

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