~Chapter 14~

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He reaches his hand out for me to grab. I feel like this is the moment of truth.

I either stay sitting and be a faithful girlfriend or I can go with him and probably do something else that isn't very loyal.

I take option two. His eyes can convince me into anything. I see the young him in them. I see the Scotty that I've known my whole life.

I only wish that he knew how greatly I think I him, even considering what he has done in the past.

He would never hurt me though, never. I can't even think that he would consider it.

As he leads me out the room he gives a gentle push to my back indicating for me to go in front of him. I do as, silently, told and he closes the door behind us.

The house is even more packed believe it or not. There's a lot more drunk people now.

Hey, that's the best type of people right?

I'm still wearing the clothing that I wore to the beach. I had put it on before I got into Scott's car.

I must not look too bad because three guys look me up and down taking in my appearance.

My self conscious self looked down to see if I had anything stuck on me or something. Nope.

Then it hit me, they were eying me because they thought I looked nice or something.

I noticed that when they looked at me, they looked to who was gently guiding my back to the kitchen.

When their eyes met Scotts they all quickly looked away. I look back at Scott and he's smirking at me. Idiot. An adorable idiot at that.

When we get to the kitchen, Scott heads straight for the cabinet leaving me alone near the island.

I lean on the counter and hold myself up with the palm of my hand. I stare at him as he gets a large bottle of Vodka and starts to poor the heavy drink in two glasses.

Some guy sits at the high chair beside me and starts to talk. I break my gaze to look at him. It's takes a while to realize that he's talking to me. I was so fixated on Scott and on the way he gulps down nearly half of his drink in one shot.

"So will you give me your number, my friends are going to think that I'm a loser if I come back empty handed. You could give me a fake number. just please write something. I know I'm lame but a beautiful girl like you won't go for a guy like me. I'm not playing pity party but that's the truth," he rambles.

The truth is that he's actually really good looking. I'm surprised he's so insecure. I feel bad for him so I get a pen that's on the counter and start writing.

I can feel Scotts glare on me. I know he's pissed but I don't care right now. Im so sick of being bossed around by men. I'm being nice to the kid, I'm not really giving him my number.

"Your right, she wouldn't go for a guy like you," Scott rudely says while placing a full glass next to me on the counter top.

"And she would go for you?", the guy challenges. He raises a brow. I already smell trouble.

"Yes actually, and soon enough she'll go for me over and over and over again. Who knows? maybe she'll go for me the whole twenty four hours. Sex can last that long right? Of course you wouldn't know, right Mr. Virgin?"

I take a second to process how insulting Scott just was to me and this guy, whom I just met. Scott must know him because he says his words so assuringly as if everyone knows. I look at the guy next to me and he's embarrassed but angry, really angry. I don't want a fight.

I do what first comes to mind. I take the glass of vodka and throw the drink at Scott. I place the glass down on the island and storm out of the house. Asshole.

I thought that he was different, I really did. I'm just a fool. I guess that I just had a little hope for us, given that I'm his best friends sister.

Let's not forget James. I'm his other best friends cousin as well. I really can't get away from Scott even if I tried.

As I walk outside and start walking down the small path to the sidewalk I see a face that I didn't want to walk into, especially not now. Guess who it could be?

Oh how wonderful! It's my beloved Gavin. I see pure rage on his face but I don't want to deal with his shit right now. Really, not now.

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