~Chapter 34~

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I slide the disk into the car and it begins to play. The music is wonderful. I wonder why he has this, if he doesn't listen to this type of music.

I close my eyes two seconds into the song when a loud voice breaks me out of my trance.

"Take that shit out!"


"I said take it out! Now!"

He starts to press a whole bunch of buttons and when he can't figure it out, he just turns the volume all the way down.

I fumble with the buttons and take the cd out of the slot.

What the heck was that?

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be an ass."

"Yeah well you didn't succeed in doing so," I respond in an annoyed tone.

I even cross my arms in front of my chest to seem more agitated with his attitude.

"I know. It's just- uhhh. That was..." He glances at me before saying his next words. "That was my dads."

I immediately look straight at him and feel a pang of sadness.

He didn't get to grow up with a dad in his teenage years and neither did I.

"Oh...I'm really sorry. I didn't know that," I apologize pleadingly.

"It's okay, you couldn't have known. I'm sorry for snapping at you....Why don't you uh play something of your own. You could hook something into the auxiliary," Scott offers.

I immediately take out my phone and plug in the wire. I play electric love by BØRNS.

I nod my head with the beat and he just starts to burst out of laughter. It's the cutest thing ever.

His dimples are on full blast and it's literally making my heart feel warmer.

He's the only person that's ever made me feel this way and I still don't really know what that means for us. If there even is an us.

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