~Chapter 11~

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Ten minutes later Scott leaves to take Summer to my moms house.

Jakes pauses and looks at me for a couple of minutes.

"You're unbelievable, you know that right?", he asks.

"What do you mean," I question.

"One minute your sobbing and the next you want to party.

"Scott invited me," I defend.

"Oh and there it is, the famous Scott!," his voice rises.

"You guys are so oblivious," he continues.

I look at the floor unsure of what he's implying.

"What do you mean?," I ask again.

At this point I'm unsure of what to say at all.

"Nothing.. Never mind," he says.

"No, tell me," I push.

"Nothing just let it go I wasn't suppose to say anything anyways," he says the last part in a tone that's barely audible.

Jake walks away and I'm left alone with a puddle of thoughts. Did.. Did he just say that Scott likes me? Would Scott tell him? Of course he would that's his best friend, but is that was Jake was trying to explain?  I'm so confused.

I walk into the nearest bathroom and hold myself up with the corners of the sink using the palm of my hands. I look up from the sink slowly and I don't recognize myself. I'm not myself. I'm someone else.

Being in my home town brings up old feelings that I thought I buried in the past.

By the time I leave the bathroom people are already showing up. I was in there for a long time replaying everything that had happened just moments before.

I walk to the living room and take a seat on the couch. About thirty minutes later I see Scott pushing through the heavy crowd of people.

He changed into a nicer outfit. He looks good in anything but now he looks more relaxed instead of wearing his soaked swim trunks. He must of changed at my moms. They're close like that, she even has a room in her house just for him when he visits. Scott is practically like her second son. He's wearing a navy blue t-shirt and dark blue jeans. God he's so hot right now. I'm staring and he catches me. Damn it. I quickly look away making it obvious that I was staring at him in the first place. I'm such and Idiot.

I must look like such a weirdo. He smiles and starts to walk toward me. I push a small strand of hair that was in my face behind my ear.

He sits next to me and asks me "what's wrong." Why is he so comforting? I hate it, but I can't help but love it at the same time.

"Oh nothing..it's just I don't know anyone that was invited," A half lie half truth. Yes, I know no one here but I'm also too confused about what my brother said to even try to have some fun.

"Oh." He looks down before giving me a pitiful smile. I don't need his pity but damn am I loving it right now.

"Well now you have me," he gives me a warm smile.

"Come with me," he stands and reaches out for my hand.

I grab it and he leads me into a room far away from the loud drunken people. He locks the door and sits on the edge of the large bed and pats the mattress, gesturing for me to sit. I do as he silently asks and it's quiet for a few seconds before he speaks.


*coughs* hmm Scott and Val in a room together. A room that happens to be locked? I wonder what they shall do. 🤔Jake has a bunch of board games in that room tho so they'll have a lot of fun! 😂😂😂😂 Read on to find out what really happens....

Also tysm for reading and if you've gotten this far I love you! Plz remember to vote at the end of this chapter and any other chapters that you come across, it means a lot. 😘💓💓💓

And OMG Harry's new hair tho got me like 😅😅😅!!!

Okie I'm done ily all! ~ Kate xoxo

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