~Chapter 2~

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I overthink too much.

He was probably just annoyed with My sister and said it that way to spite me.

That's an asshole of a thing to do but it's better then him having another reason behind it. I hope he doesn't have another reason behind it!

While I'm contemplating all of the thoughts inside my head, I start to get the feeling that someone's staring at me.

My instincts are correct. Gavin is staring at me in a weird way. I can't really explain it but he just is.

He's never looked at me this way before. It almost seems lustful?

"I Wish that we could of hung out, just you and me today," he whispers. He brushes some hair from the side of my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"Me too I'm sorry for inviting her she just needs to have a little fun."

Summer has been complaining of how mom doesn't take her anywhere to do anything.

Mom was like that with me too when I was a kid but then again I had dad and she doesn't, at least not anymore.

My dad would take me to a field not far from this beach and play baseball with me. He basically taught me how to be a pro.                                                          
The day I made it onto the Panthers elite softball team is the dad he died. I could never play baseball again it. It was our thing.

I haven't played in seven years. I sense a tear waiting to burst but I manage to contain it. Then I remember that Gavin was speaking to me.

I completely ignored whatever else he was saying. I was too lost in my thoughts to keep up. I stuff the tears back up my eyes and smile at him.

"Hey...," he pauses. I hope he doesn't ask me why way my eyes are watering however, it would be nice if he would comfort me for once.

"Don't worry about your sister, we'll have fun later."

What the hell? I thought that he was going to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be okay. Every girl secretly wants to be comforted even if they don't. I don't know, it's a weird thing.

I thought he could read my mind and sense how I feel. I'm wrong though and hella stupid to think that Gavin would do any of those things.

I didn't want him to anyway but a small part of me did. He's just not that type of person. He's just not that type of boyfriend.

I feel like shit when I step out the car. Maybe I should have told him.. He's not a mind reader. I never open up to him about anything, like ever. He's usually the one who talks about himself so I sit in the sidelines and "listen."

I adjust my white tank top so that I look 'presentable' like my mother would say. I look down at my shorts and pull them down a bit. They were a bit to high for my liking.                                                                  

Summer is tugging at my shirt while practically screaming, "Let's go in the water!" I thought she didn't like the dreadfully hot season

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Summer is tugging at my shirt while practically screaming, "Let's go in the water!" I thought she didn't like the dreadfully hot season.

I was just being nice taking her here, I thought that she would make sand castles and roll around in the sand or some shit. That's was seven year olds do at the beach, right?

"Oh no, you know that I don't go in the water," I assuringly tell her.

"Are you kidding me, I'm not not going in the water," she yells.

"Go by yourself or make a Friend or something," Gavin tells her as he walks from the driver side to where we're standing. He rolls his eyes before he gently wraps his right arm around my waist.

She turns around, ignoring his snotty attitude, and runs across the sand to the water like there's no tomorrow. She's such an odd child.


-The Beach-
As Summer bursts off without saying a single goodbye, I shrug and sink into Gavin's chest. He feels so stiff and strong that it's hard to find any comfort in his body.

I watch as his dark brown hair is laying on his head while being drifted in little swirls because of the small wind that's just hit.

His deep ocean blue eyes look into mine and he kisses my forehead. As we walk onto the sand to find a spot to sit by I realize that the thought of an ice cooler hadn't occurred to me on the way here.

I lay a blanket that was stuffed inside my large bag and sit on it with my legs laid out in front of me, feet crossed, and the palms of my hands holding me up.

As Gavin sits next to me and his stomach muscles squish together slightly. His six pack is so damn strong that they don't even wrinkle together.  

I should feel attracted to him right now as he glows so perfectly in the sun but I can't. I don't know why, but I just can't.

I love him, I do.

I just don't know why my heart doesn't race a thousand beats per minute when I'm with him. I guess the connection between us just isn't that strong.

Who am I kidding it's only that powerful in the movies and novels.

I quickly break out of my thoughts and scan the ocean front for Summer. I was so distracted by Gavin's appearance that I completely ignored how I let my very young sister swim alone in the ocean. What the hell was I thinking?!?

After everything that has happened five years ago, I do some shit like this. I have to find her.


I walk over to the wet sand without giving Gavin the slighting hint that I'll be leaving for a couple of minutes. He's probably still talking about whatever he was mumbling about before I got up and left. I bet he hasn't even noticed that I'm gone yet.

I suddenly see a small light haired girl pop her head out of the water. Summer. She spots me and I walk away, quickly, right before she could convince me to go in with her. I would have said no anyways but let's save the drama for later.                                       

I sit back down next to Gavin and he looks like he's upset. Great.

"Where the hell where you?", he asks annoyed.

"I was checking on my sister, calm down," I honestly respond.

He huffs and rolls his head bag so that its now on the blanket. I lean down and kiss him.

His eyes are closed but once I kiss him his eyes widen.

"I'm mad at you," he says calmly.

"I'm mad at you too, lets burry hatchet, yeah?"

"What do you mean your mad at me, I didn't do anything to you," he angrily responds.

I ignore his moronocity and lean into his ear and whisper, "you didn't kiss me back."

His face slightly reddens and his kisses me plainly.

Nothing special about it, like always. I'm actually surprised that I flirted with with him like that just now. I'm not the type of person to flirt even if I have been dating Gavin for three years.

I tried to act sexy but now I feel like throwing up at the thought of it.

He doesn't deserve my affection, but I sure as hell deserve his.

Hey readers! 😀 thanks for being so supportive! Please don't forget to comment and vote. Love you 😘❤️:)))). Xoxoxo

Moronocity- When one has reached a certain proximity of being a moron in their personality.

^^^^^^😂😂😂 (I made up that word btw)

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