3 years later: part 2

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I woke up before Jughead and sat up. I got dressed and started to pack the picnic up. "Betts. What are you doing?" I hear. I look over my shoulder and see Jughead resting on his elbows, watching me. "I'm getting ready to leave. We did leave the girls with Toni." I giggle and he groans. "5 more minutes." he says. "We have to go get the girls." I laugh and he falls back with a sigh.

"Mommy!" Addy ran and hugged my legs. She grins up at me and I shake my head with a smile playing on my lips. "Did you have a good time?" I pick her up and she nods rapidly. "We had lots of fun!" she giggles and I kiss her head. I set her on the couch and went to check on Juliet. "Hey bug. How are you feeling?" I brush her hair back and she coughs. "Momma?" she mumbles. "What Bug?" I ask softly and she sits up. I pull her into on my lap and she hugs my neck.

I stand, holding onto her and her legs wrap around me. I see Toni leaving a room. "I would've got up sooner if I knew you guys were coming back so soon." she stretched. "It's fine. Thank you for watching them." I smile and she nods. "Anytime." she states. "Daddy! No!" Addy shouts. I shake my head and Toni chuckles. "I'm gonna head home." she says and I hug her.

I step into the kitchen and see Jughead trying to cook with Addy hanging onto him like a monkey. "I think we should nickname her monkey. What do you think Bug?" I look down at her and she mumbles incoherent words with her head on my shoulder. I feel her forehead and she moves her head.

Jughead finishes cooking and I set Juliet in a chair. She grabs my hand and I look over at her. "Momma." she whines. "I'm getting you some food Bug." I kiss her head and she lets go. I set a plate in front of her and grab Addy. I slip her into a chair and she grins up at me. "Alright monkey. You need to eat." I say and she pouts. "No." she shakes her head. "Why? Because daddy cooked it?" I ask. "I take offense to that." he playfully glares at me.

I set the plates in the sink and Addy runs to her room. I sit next to Juliet and she leans into me. "How do you feel Bug?" I ask and she frowns. "I wanna sleep." she mumbles. "Ok." I kiss her head and pick her up.

"Will you stay with me?" she asks sheepishly. "Sure baby." I lay next to her and she rests her head on my chest. "Get some rest baby." I kiss her head and Jughead peeks his head in. "Daddy." she mumbles. "What Bug?" he steps into her room. "Will you stay with me and momma?" she looks up at him with pleading eyes. "I don't think we all will fit on your bed." he shakes his head. "Then we can go to your room." she murmurs and he picks her up.

"Mommy?" Addy stops in her tracks as she runs out of her room. "Where you going?" she asks confused. "We are gonna lay in bed all day." I say and she runs to me. She sticks her arms up and I chuckle before picking her up. We lay in bed and Addy picks a movie to watch. Juliet fell asleep on top of Jughead and I smile.

"Daddy." Addy whispers, poking my cheek repeatedly. "What monkey?" I ask tiredly. "Mommy isn't here." she pouts. I look over and Betty was gone. I see the bathroom light on and I get up. "Why are you out of bed?" I yawn and she tears up. "I had a bad dream." she mumbles, looking down.

I pick her up and kiss her head. "It's ok munchkin." I rock her gently and she cries into my neck. Betty came out of the bathroom and she looked a little pale. "You ok babe?" I ask and she looks up at me before nodding. "What happened?" she mumbles, walking over to us. "Bad dream." I answer and she nods. "Hey monkey. Look at me." she says softly and Addy sniffles. She looks down at Betty and rubs her eyes.

She pulls her hands away and gently wipes her tears. "It was just a dream. Nothing more." she stands on her tippy toes and kisses her head. "Mommy, you short." she murmurs and Betty gasps. "I am not!" she retorts and I chuckle, "that hurt my feelings." Addy wiggles out of my grip and hugs Betty's leg before leaving.

"What's wrong?" My hands rest on her hips. "I think Juliet gave me her sickness." she mumbles and I chuckle. "I doubt it." I say and she frowns up at me. "Why do you doubt it?" she asks. "I saw the tests." I whisper in her ear. She freezes and I nip her neck. "It better be a boy this time." I say and she giggles, "I don't know how many more girls a can take."

"What's so wrong with girls?" she arches her eyebrow. "Nothing." I shake my head, "there's 3 of you and one of me, maybe even a fourth one." I shiver at the thought and she laughs. "When do you want to tell the girls?" she wraps her arms around my neck. "Later on today." I murmur and she nods, resting her head on my chest.

"Girls!" Betty calls from the living room. They ran in and store in front of us. "Yea momma?" Juliet asks. "We have something important to tell you." she says softly and Addy furrows her eyebrows. "What is it?" she asks. "You are gonna be a big sister." she tells Addy and she looks down for a minute. "You gonna have a baby?" she asks and Betty nods. Addy grins and jumps on her lap.

"Hi baby!" Addy exclaims next to Betty's stomach. I chuckle and Betty shakes her head. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Juliet asks. "We don't know yet." I answer and she frowns. "Why not?" she tilts her head slightly. "It's not big enough yet." Betty says. "Where did it come from?" Addy looks up at us and we look at each other.

"A baby stork saw that you and Juliet were being good. It decided to add on to our family." Betty comes up with a lie. "Really?" Addy's eyes widen. "Yea. How do you think you and your sister got here?" I say. "Oh." she makes an o shape with her mouth and I chuckle.

I get back from the doctor appointment and open the door. I close it and set my keys on the table. Juliet and Addy ran to me. "Hi baby." Addy says, rubbing my stomach. She does this every time she sees me. "Did the doctor tell you what it is?" Juliet looks up at me expectantly. "Where's daddy?" I ask. "He's taking a shower. He went to the Wyrm and came back with red stuff on him." Addy says. "Maybe he spilt some Kool-Aid." I say and they giggle.

Jughead came into the kitchen and kissed my cheek before grabbing a water. "How did the doctor go?" he asks. "Good." I shrug. "Tell us momma!" Addy exclaims. "Tell you what?" I ask innocently. "If the baby is a boy or girl." she pouts and Jughead sits next to me. The girls were across the table.

"I have a cupcake for both of you. There is a plastic baby inside the cupcake that has the correct gender. Pick one." I set the cupcakes in front of them and they grab the one they want. "What are you waiting for? Find out what the baby is." I say and they break the cupcakes apart. "This maybe wasn't the best plan. They are going to make a mess." Jughead chuckles and I shrug. "They are having fun." I reply.

"I found it!" Addy exclaims.

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