Mommy and Daddy

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I woke up alone in my bed. I got up and went to the kitchen, but stopped in my tracks. There he was, cooking breakfast with Juliet on the counter. "Mommy!" she giggles. "Hi bug." I kiss her head, "How did you sleep?" "Good." she yawns. I chuckle and shake my head. I look at my schedule on the fridge. "Ugh. I have to work today." I groan. "No mommy!" Juliet whines. "I have to bug. Maybe Pop will let you stay. He hasn't seen you in a while." I say. "How did you come up with bug?" Jughead asks. "I honestly don't know. I just started calling her that before she was born." I say. "Why did mommy call you king last night?" she asks. "You know the bar that you and mommy go to?" he asks and she nods, "That's my bar, and the people in their like to call me king." I'm just glad he didn't say it was a gang. "Why did you stay last night?" she asks and he chuckles. "You'll have to ask her about that." he points at me and I stick my tongue out at him. "And you never told me who Daddy is." she points a finger at me and I laugh. "I know bug. I'll tell you in a little bit." I say. "But I want to know now." she pouts, folding her arms.

I look over at Betty, and she just laughs at Juliet's outburst. "After breakfast. If you eat every bite, I will tell you." she says. Juliet nods rapidly. Wow, she really wants to know that bad. I finish cooking, and plate the food. Betty sets Juliet on a chair, and I set a plate in front of her.

She eats her food quickly and stares at Betty. "Can I know now?" she asks. "Let me finish bug." she chuckles. Juliet sighs and leans back in her seat. I swallow my laugh and finish eating. I have a feeling Betty is eating slowly, just to annoy Juliet. "You're gonna have to tell her sooner or later." I whisper in her ear. "Yea, but it's fun to tease her." she whispers back. I chuckle and shake my head.

I set my plate in the sink. I turn and lean against the counter. Juliet was jumping up and down in front of me. "Please mommy! Please!" she begs and I pick her up. "Alright. Alright. You win. You're too cute to keep anything from." I say and she giggles. Jughead was sitting at the table smirking at me. "This is your daddy bug." I say and she looks at him and then back at me. "That's. That's daddy?" she asks. "Yes Bug." I kiss her cheek and set her down. She jumps on him and hugs him tightly. "Hi daddy." she whispers. "Hi bug." he whispers back. I check the time and sigh. "I have to go to work." I say. "No mommy! Please don't go!" she pleads. "I have to bug. Maybe daddy can bring you by sometime." I say. "I don't want you to go." she whines. "It's only a few hours." I say. "Please mommy." she says, almost in tears. "Don't cry bug." I wipe her tears. "Please mommy!" she cries. "Fine bug. I'll see if someone can cover my shift." I kiss her head and go get my phone to call Pop.

Juliet has Betty wrapped around her finger. She came back into the kitchen. "I'm sorry bug. No one can cover for me." Betty says. "Mommy." she whines. "Bug. We do this every time. It's gonna be ok." Betty says. "I can watch you bug." I say. "I don't want you to go. Auntie V always goes out with someone and they come back. They are scary." she cries. I could see a bit of anger in Betty's eyes. "She's not gonna watch you. I am." I say. She hugs me tightly, and cries. "It's ok bug." I coo and rub her back. Betty kisses her head. "I have to go bug. I love you." she says. "Bye mommy. I love you too." Juliet replies.

I pulled up at Pops and carried Juliet inside. Betty was busy, so we sat at a booth. She served someone there food and came over. "Hi bug. Hi Jughead. What would you like?" she asks. "I want a vanilla milkshake." she says. "Jug?" she asks. "A burger and fries." I say. "I'll bring it right out." she kisses Juliet's head and goes to the kitchen. She comes back a few minutes later with our drink and food. "How was your day Bug?" she asks. "Good." she replies, "me and daddy had a movie day." I chuckle. "I'm glad you had a good day. My shift ends in a few minutes." Betty says. "We can wait for you." I say and she smiles. Betty ruffles Juliet's hair and heads to the backroom. She came back a few minutes later in her regular clothes.

I sat next to Juliet and she got in my lap. I wrap my arms around her and she rests her head on my chest. I steal a sip from her milkshake and she swats my hand away. "No mommy!" she giggles. "Daddy did it too." I defend myself. "I didn't see daddy." she grins. "Now your just taking his side!" I exclaim and she giggles. Pop comes over and hands me my check. "Thank you Pop." I smile. "You're welcome. Juliet has gotten so big." he says. "Yea. She really has. So stop growing." I say and she laughs. "I'll see you later Betty." he says. "Bye Pop." I reply. He heads back to the counter and goes to the kitchen. "How much did you get?" Juliet asks. "I don't know Bug. I haven't opened it yet." I chuckle. She takes a sip of her milkshake and I rub her back.

I get Juliet asleep and sit on the couch with a glass of wine. "Do you do this every night?" Jughead asks. "Yep." I pop the p. "Why?" he asks. "Helps me sleep." I reply. "There's other things you can do other than drink." he says. "Not likely." I say, taking a sip from my glass. He grabs my glass and takes a sip before handing it back. "You didn't even get the good stuff." he says. "And what might that be?" I ask. "Something more expensive than that." he replies and I laugh. "Mommy!" Juliet yells. I sigh and get up. I hand him my wine glass and go to my room. "What is it Bug?" I ask. She looked up at me, and her eyes had tears in them. "Awe, Bug." I pick her up and bounce her around the room. "What happened?" I ask. "I had a nightmare." she sobs. "Shhhh. It's ok." I whisper. "Betty?" I hear. I walk out and see Kevin. "Hey Kev." I say. "What happened?" he asks. "Nightmare." I reply. He rubs her back and goes to his room. Jughead came back from the kitchen and took Juliet from me. "Hey Bug. It's ok." he whispers. "I had a nightmare." she cries. "Shhh." he says, "tell me about it." He sits on the couch and she sits in his lap. "Mommy got hurt." she whispers. "Hey Bug. I'm ok." I rub her back and she shakes her head. "You got hurt." she repeats. "Hey. Look at me." Jughead cups her face, "Mommy is ok. You are ok. I am ok. It was just a nightmare." She nods and rests her head on his chest. He holds on to her as he stands and we go to my room. He lays her on the bed, and kisses her head.

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