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"You shouldn't be used to that." I sigh, rubbing her back. She shivers and leans into me. I kiss her head and Juliet ran into the room. "What's up bug?" I ask. "What happened to Mama?" she asks, staring at Betty. "I'm ok bug. Go get some sleep." she mumbles. She stands right in front of us and Betty looks over at her. "I'm ok." she cups Juliet's face. "You have a bruise on your cheek." she replies sadly. "Don't worry. Go get some sleep." Betty says softly and kisses her head.

I carry Betty to the bedroom and lay her gently on the bed. I turn to grab something and she grabs my wrist. "Don't leave." she mumbles. "I'm not going anywhere." I say softly. I get in next to her and wrap my arms around her, resting my hands on her stomach. She rests her head on my chest and falls asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room. I sit up and stretch my arms out. I get up and walk into the closet. "Betts?" I hear. I grab some shorts and a hoodie. "Yea?" I reply, walking over to the bed. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "I'm ok." I mumble, changing clothes. He grabs my waist, turning me to face him. "Where did you go?" I ask. "I was at the bar." he says softly.

I sit at the table with Juliet while Jughead makes breakfast. "Mama?" Juliet asks. "Yea bug?" I look over at her. "When is the baby going to be born?" she asks. "I'm a few months." I chuckle. "Why not now?" she whines. "It's too small bug. You can wait." I say. "Mama!" she complains. I shake my head and Jughead sets a plate in front of me. "Thank you." I mumble and he kisses my cheek. "You're welcome." he sets a plate in front of Juliet and sits next to me.

"Can we go to the bar?" Juliet asks. "Maybe later." Jughead replies. My eyes were half closed, and Juliet was poking my arm. "No. Let me sleep." I mumble. Jughead pulled me closer to him and I rest my head on his shoulder.

We pull up at the bar and it smelled a bit like bleach. I scrunch my nose and Juliet grabbed my hand and we went over to the bar. "Why does it smell like bleach?" I ask. "Interrogation." Toni replies. "I'm honestly not surprised." I sigh, "who was it?" "Don't know." she lied. "People really need to up their game when it comes to lying." I mumble. "You are a very creepy person." she says. "How?" I ask. "You can get cut and not even flinch. You know when people are lying. What else?" she asks. "I can speak 3 languages if that helps you sleep at night." I shrug and her jaw dropped.

"I can't deal with you anymore. What are the 3 languages?" she asks. "English, Spanish and French." I reply. "Ok I gotta here this." she grins. "Say something you want me to say." I sigh. She thought for a minute.

"The Southside Serpents are one of the most feared gangs." she smirks.

"Las serpientes del sur son una de las pandillas más temidas."

"Les Serpents de Southside sont l'un des gangs plus redoutés."

"I can say it in English to if you want." I smirk. "Why are you fluent in so many languages?" she asks, eyes widened. "School. I took classes because my mother wanted me to." I say. "So you just did what she wanted?" she asks. Before I could answer, a couple of serpents brought someone up who was tied to a chair. Juliet hid her face from them. "It's ok." I say. I look over and my eyes narrow. Jughead came downstairs and went over to them. "What's daddy gonna do to him?" Juliet asks quietly. I pick her up and set her on the bar. "Don't worry." I say softly, cupping her face. She stared at them. "Don't look." I say and she squeezes her eyes shut. I hug her and she hides her face in my chest. "It's ok." I whisper.

I heard a scream, and Juliet tried to look but I wouldn't let her. "What's going on?" she asks, muffled by my chest. "I don't know but you aren't looking." I reply. I turn my head slightly and Jughead was kneeling in front of the boy. "How about we go to Pops? Get you a milkshake?" I ask and she nods. "Stay right here and don't look ok." I say. "Ok." she mumbles. I let go of her and walk over to Jughead.

"Jug?" I ask. He looks up at me and stands. "What are you doing?" he asks. "Keys." I hold out my hand. "Why?" he asks. "Do you really want your daughter watching you torture somebody?" I say. He sighs and hands me the keys. "We'll be back later." I head back over to the bar and pick up Juliet.

"Two vanilla milkshakes please." I say to Pop. "Anything else?" he asks. "No." I hand him the money. We sit in a booth and a waitress brought us our milkshakes. "Thank you." I say and she nods. "Cute kid." she mumbles. Juliet blushes and looks down. "She's a cutie but she's a handful." I smile, making the waitress giggle.

Can you come pick me up? 

Are you though? 


I pull up at the bar and he was leaned against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth. He stepped on it and got in the car. "Where did you go?" he asks. "We got milkshakes!" Juliet grins. I chuckle and shake my head.

We get home and Juliet runs inside. "Why did you torture him?" I ask. "He was a ghoulie. He shouldn't have disrespected you or the serpents." he replies. "You still shouldn't have tortured him." I raise my voice. "He needed to be taught a lesson." he says, like it was obvious. I take the keys out of the car, and step out. I close the door and hold a hand to my stomach. I hang the keys on the hook and stop for a minute.

"You ok?" he asks, placing his hands on my hips. "Yea." I mumble. "Maybe you should get some rest." he says softly and I shake my head. I hold my hand to the wall and close my eyes. He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom. He lays me on the bed and I grab his hand. "Stay." I mumble. "I'm not going anywhere." he says softly.

I woke up slowly and Jughead was rubbing circles on my stomach. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "I honestly don't know." I sigh. "You'll feel better soon." he whispers in my ear.

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