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The box was open. There was pink balloons inside! Everyone was cheering, and so happy for me. "We get a little niece!" A few of them said. I'm pretty sure it was Kevin, Veronica, Cheryl, and maybe even Toni.

I walked into the diner and went to talk to Pop. "Hey Pop. I was wondering if I could just work the cash register from now on." I say. "If that's what you want." he says. "I really love this job, it's just. Well I'm 5 months along in my pregnancy, and I don't want that many people to know." I say. "Of course Betty. You do what you need to do. Everyone on the staff loves you." he smiles. "Great! I'll go get ready now." I say. I get to my locker and grab my uniform. I change into it and put my hoodie on. I attach my name badge and clock in. I sit behind the cash register and wait for people to come in.

The serpents wanted to go to Pops, so we went there for lunch. We walked in, and low and behold there Betty was behind the cash register. Toni runs up to her and they talk for a little bit. We sit at a booth, and waited for a waitress. A girl walks up, and we give her our orders. She comes back a few minutes later with our food.

"Hey Betty! Here's their ticket." the waitress said. "Thank you." she replies, "together or separate?" "It's together." I say. She nods and rings it all up. I hand her the money and she gives me my change. The serpents head out, but I stay behind. "You should get going. They are waiting on you." she says. I look behind me and then back to her. "They can wait. Why weren't you our waitress today?" I ask. "Because I'm working the cash register." she says. "Juggie. Come on." the girl who is always clinging to me says. "Bye Jughead." Betty gets up and heads to the back room. I sigh and go with the clingy girl.

I got back to the apartment, and plopped myself on the couch. "4 more months." I say. "I know. I can't wait to see her! Have you picked a name yet?" Kevin asks. "No. I just call her bug. I don't want to pick a name until it's closer to the due date." I say and they nod, "I really don't understand him. He acts like nothing is wrong, and now. Now he has a girl attached to his arm every time I see him. He acts like I meant nothing to him. He kissed me a few months ago, when Hal was here. Now he acts like I was just a one night stand that he regrets." "It's gonna be ok Baby B." Kevin says. My eyes were filled with tears and there was a knock on the door. I pu t my hoodie on and wiped my eyes. I open the door and there he stood. "What do you want?" I ask. "I want you." he says. "You had me. You lost me. Leave me alone." I say, and try to close the door.

"Baby B. Everything alright?" Kevin asks. I glare at Jughead, but he doesn't move. "I said leave me alone Jughead. Go be with the girl who is always attached to you. I have more important things to do." I say. "Why won't you tell me what's wrong? I want to help." he says. "No you don't. You just want something you can't have." I say. "Baby B." Kevin says from behind me, "leave her alone." "Who are you?" he asks. "Baby B's best friend. Leave her alone." Kevin says. "You are all too stressful. I'm going to my room." I yell and storm off.

"You really need to leave. She is not in a good place right now. It's been what, 5, 6 months. Why now?" I say. "Can I just talk to her?" he asks. "No. You need to leave." I say. He sighs, nods and heads to his bike. He drives off and I go check on Betty. "Baby B. Let me in." I say. I hear her shuffling around, and then I see her tear stained face. "Oh, Baby B. Don't let him get to you. You are so much stronger than that. You have 3 to 4 months until your little girl gets here. Focus on her." I say. "I'm trying, Kev. It hurts so much. I'm not jealous, it just hurts. I can't stand it anymore." she cries. "Pack a bag. You are spending the night with Veronica, Toni, and Cheryl. They want to see you." I say and she nods. I let her go and she starts packing a bag.

I got to Veronica's apartment in the Pembroke, and knocked on the door. "Hey B!" Veronica says. "Hey." I smile weakly. "Come in. Toni and Cheryl are in my room. We are binge watching movies, eating ice cream, you name it." she says, making me giggle.

I woke up in Veronica's bed by myself. I smelled pancakes, and went to the kitchen. "It smells good." I sit at the table. "I'm glad. I made your favorite." She grins. "Blueberry pancakes, with the whipped cream." I smile.

We ate our pancakes, and discussed baby names. "What do you want her middle name to be?" Toni asks. "I haven't really thought about it." I giggle. "How about first name. Once we get it picked, the middle name should be easier." Cheryl says. "How about........ Juliet?" I ask. "PERFECT!!!!!" they squeal. I giggle and shake my head. "Juliet Ivy Cooper." I smile and they all grin at me. "It's perfect. We love it!" they all say, "We can't wait until she's here!"

Cheryl was helping me around the bar since we were under staffed. Someone was calling my phone and I didn't recognize the number. 


Hey it's Kevin. I just brought Betty to the hospital. The baby is coming! 

Cheryl and I will be right there! 

Don't take too long. She really wants her people. 

Ok! Bye! 

"Bombshell! Let's go!" I yell. We run to the car and get in. I drive to the hospital, and they give us the room number. "Hey Betty Boop." I say. "Hey T and C." she giggles. "You're still in a good mood so I'm gonna say that it's a positive." Cheryl says. The doctors come in and check her. "You're only 6 centimeters. We'll be back to check on you in a little bit." she says and leaves the room. "Only 4 more centimeters until we get to see her!" Veronica squeals. "I know! I can't wait to hold her!" Betty squeals. We all laugh at them. The doctor comes back in a few hours later. "10 centimeters. Ready to go have your little girl?" she grins. "Of course!" Betty giggles. "We'll be in the waiting room." I say as they wheel her out of the room.

Bughead Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang