Betty's Job

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It was about 10:30 at night. It's been a few months since I got the job, and I'm not showing badly. To someone, it looks normal. "What can I get you?" I ask, holding the pen to the notepad. "Black coffee." he says. Of course it's Jughead. "Coming right up." I say. I pour the coffee and set it in front of him. He looks up at me. "Why are you working here, princess?" he asks. "Don't call me that." I say and head behind the counter. "You still didn't answer my question." he says. "I'm busy Jughead." I say. I clean the counters and a couple tables in my section. The chef rings the bell and I grab the plate. "Table 10." he says and I nod. I walk over and set the plate down. "Thank you." he says. "You look familiar. Have we met?" I ask. "I don't know, you also look familiar. What's your name?" he asks. "It's Betty." I say. "No last name?" he chuckles. "I don't give my name to strangers." I smile. "You just said I looked familiar." he grins. "Fine. It's Cooper. Betty Cooper." I say. "Elizabeth?" he asks. "How do you know my full name?" I ask. "My name is Hal. Hal Cooper." he says. My eyes widen, and the color drains from my face.

 The bell rings and I head back to the chef. "You alright Coop?" he asks. "Yea. I'm fine. What's the table?" I ask. "Table 8." he says. I grab the plate and take it to the table. I sit behind the counter and clean some more. "Betty. I saw the color drain from your face. What's wrong?" I look up to see Jughead. "I'm fine Jughead. Just go back to your booth, finish your coffee." I say. "I want to help Betty." he says. "You will help by sitting back in the booth and not drawing to much attention to us." I smile, showing my teeth. "Do I need to drive you home?" he asks. "No. I have my car. My shift is almost over. I'll be fine." I say. "Stay safe please." he says. "Always am." I grin. I head to the back and clock out. "Bye Pop!" I say. I head to my car, only to be stopped by Hal. "Can I help you?" I ask. "You know who I am, correct?" he asks. "I would prefer to go home. I've had a long day, and I'd like to kick back and relax with my roommates." I say and he glares at me. "He bothering you?" I hear behind me. I turn my head slightly and relief comes over me. He walks up and wraps his arm around my waist. "Who are you?" Hal asks. "I'm her boyfriend, so I suggest you leave her alone." he says. "I'm her father." he says and I snort. 

"You're no father to me. I have scars on me from when I was 3 years old. How do you cut your own child at 3 years old?" I say calmly. "What are you talking about?" Hal asks. "Don't play stupid Hal. Alice has said your names enough for me to figure it out. She used to threaten me by calling you, but you never showed. Leave me alone, and go back to wherever you came from." I snap. "You're a smart girl Elizabeth-" "it's Betty." I say. "Go home, before you get hurt." Jughead says. His grips tightens a little on me. Hale leaves, and I get in my car. "You sure I can't drive you home?" he asks. "I'll be fine. As soon as I get home, Kevin will run to my car, begging me to tell him about my day." I giggle. "Please just stay safe." he says and I hug him. "Always Jones." I say. I release him and he cups my face. "Will you come by the bar tomorrow? The serpents want you to come by, and no one could find you." he says. "That's because I've been working. It pays great, that's the only reason I have the job." I giggle. "So will you come to the bar?" he asks. "Sure what time?" I ask. "Whenever you want." he says and his eyes travel down to my lips. I stand up on my tippy toes, and hiss his lips softly. "Good night Juggie." I whisper. I turn to get in my car, but he pulls me back, kissing the breath out of me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer. "Good night princess." he whispers, when we let go of each other. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say and get in my car. "See you then." he closes my door and heads towards his bike. I bit my lip and started home. Of course I was right. Kevin ran out to my car, and practically dragged me inside. We sit at the couch after locking the door, and I tell him all about my day.

Betty came to the bar, and Toni pulled her behind the bar. The were giggling and talking and I walked over. "What are you two gossiping about?" I ask, leaning against the bar. "Just how Kevin dragged me inside the apartment, and made me spill my guts about yesterday." she laughs. I arch an eyebrow at them and she walks back around the bar, standing next to me. "Are you two on good terms?" Toni asks. "Yes Toni. We are good." Betty says and I grin at her. "I need to get some work done, so I'll be in my office." I say and kiss Betty's cheek.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Toni asks. "No. I don't know if this is gonna stick or end up like last time." I say and she nods. "You tell him when you're good and ready. Don't let anybody force you into it." she says and I nod. I check my phone. I have a couple missed calls from Kevin and Veronica. I text them both, saying that I was fine.

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