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I go by Jughead, the leader of the serpents, king. My real name is worse. It's Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third. I know, what were my parents thinking.

Right now, I have the blonde girl who is related to Wendy. If she wants the blondie to live, she better back off the Southside.

I heard a groan coming from the room I was sitting in front of. "Well, well, Well. Princess decided to wake up." I say. "Where am I?" she groaned. "In my cellar under my bar." I say. "Why am I Here?" she asks. "If your aunt wants you back, she will have to back off my Southside. Until then, you're my prisoner." I say smirking. "Well, you'll be waiting til either I die or she does. She doesn't care about me. She couldn't care less what happens to me. The only reason I'm here is to get away from him." she says. I could tell she was trying not to cry. "Who princess?" I ask. "I'm not telling my kidnapper. You might find him and give me back to him. I can't go back. I can't. I don't want to be hit again. He will put me in the hospital if he finds me." she says quickly, letting her tears slip. I open the door and take my chair. I sit in front of her. "What did you say?" I ask. "N-nothing. It's just a waste of your time. If I'm staying here for a while, can I at least be untied?" she asks. "I will take you to your room since you will be here a while. For the record, it's not a waste of my time, especially if someone is being hit." I say and she looks up at me. "But it is a waste of your time. Can you just take me to my room please?" she says quietly.

The leader takes me to my room and I sit on the bed. "The door is going to be locked until we can trust that you won't try to run away." he says. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. Nobody is missing me." I say quietly. He walks in and sits at the desk. "That's not true." he says. "Oh it is gangster boy." I say. He chuckles at the nickname I gave him. "It's Jughead." he replies. "Jug-head. That's not your name." I say. "It's what I go by. I'll leave you to get settled." he says standing. "Ok." I say and pull my knees to my chest. He closes the door and tears fall down my cheeks. I cry myself to sleep, knowing that nothing was happening tomorrow.

I woke up with a crook in my neck, and a tear stained face. I jumped when I heard the door open. "Sorry princess. Boss says he wants you in his office." a different man says. I stand and follow him to a new room. I stepped in and looked around the office. "Princess." I hear a deep voice say. I turn and see Jughead with cuts on his face. "What happened to you?" I ask. "Ghoulies vs. serpents. They started a shoot out at pops. We usually have to go and keep them from killing a lot of people." he says. "Do you have a first aid kit in here?" I ask. "Behind the desk." he says and sits at the couch. I grab it and set it next to him, opening it to see what was in there. He makes room for me in between his legs. I tilt his head up and rummage around the kit. I clean and bandage his cuts. I move away when I'm done. "Thanks princess." he says with a wink. "You're welcome." I say quietly, looking down. "I know you're a woman and all, but how are you so good at cleaning cuts?" he says. I feel tears coming and a lump in my throat. "I-I." is all I could get out before I burst into sobs. I fall to the floor, but before I hit the ground, he catches me. "It's ok princess. Shhhh." he says stroking my hair.

I calmed down enough to stand. Jughead really helped me calm down. "Thank you." I say quietly. "It's ok princess." he says. "You wondered why I'm so good at cleaning cuts. I have to clean my own. I had, or have an abusive boyfriend. He beat me if I was late, or even talked to my friend, who is gay, but he didn't care. I've been put in the hospital a couple times by him. My. My mom was killed in a car accident when I was 19. My father left when I was 3. I have a sister who live in New York with her family. My aunt, she couldn't care less if I was dead. So, no one cares where I am. I have no one." I say. "That's not true princess. You have the serpents now.  We are a family. We care about every person, no matter how annoying, or anything. We stick together." he says. "That sounds nice." I say, chuckling a bit.

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