Roberts thought they looked good, well-fed uniforms look a little torn and such but clean they look like soldiers still. Alsip smiled why you cleaned them up, they don't look like prisoners.
Travis shook his head, I beg to differ, Sir, I'll not address you, Political Officer. General our captors have treated us well, warm place to sleep out of the weather best they could. We ate what they ate, I'm certain of that, the guards ate within site. If they had a hot meal we got a hot meal. We got a ration of ale or whisky least once every two days.
Colonel, why did you surrender? Sir, I saw, no reason to carry on, we had been beaten. Alsip shouted where was your Political Officer!

Roberts stopped him, please this should be maintained at nice low voice. As I said before I'll not address you, Miss Roberts, thank you for dressing him down, our Political Officer met his demise during the fight. Thank you, Colonel, do you want to say more? No, Mam, think that said it all. Excuse me, Colonel. Yes, General. To surrender is not stupid, to carry on when one knows he should stop. Well, sometimes, that is truly being stupid, you were being brave, I commend you. Travis teared up, thank you, Sir. Alsip asked, how do we know you aren't lying?

On my Honor, General, Miss Roberts, I have not told a lie, all I have said is the truth. Louse pointed as you can see, we have treated these people fairly.
If no more questions, we will return them to housing. Roberts shook her head, they may return.

Ben felt around his pockets, think I need a pipe Sarna if the rest don't mind. Roberts smiled have your pipe, outside. Think we need a short break.
Sarna, could we speak just us two? Before we restart? Sarna smiled yes, right before we start.

Ben lit his pipe Louse lit his, you know Louse strange ain't it, how they think different. That General seemed like he understood. Louse exhaled
I got the same feeling. Think we may have two maybe three sides within our enemy, we must figure out how to use that. Excuse me, I would like a smoke myself. I have papers if you could give some tobacco? Ben handed him his bag. General, have a smoke, not sure that Alsip guy likes it.
Well, think I give a, damn. He rolled his smoke lit it and walked away.

Roberts walked some, then headed back in, turning about five minutes we start again.
Sarna, I just wanted to know, how you became such a high ranking leader? Why I don't really know, I have been a Warrior since I was nine least in training, I am seventeen now. I just found myself in this position is all. Doing the best I can.
Well seems the rest are back. Louse shuffled some papers, this is the names of those we have as prisoners. The number of your dead thus far. That we know of. Now the treatment and none taking of prisoners. We will address now. Sarna, please start.

Sarna hesitated, how, do I start well, we've taken prisoners more probably. If you didn't give orders to shoot your own. We know for a fact, you've killed our people if they surrender. Reports from our own survivors. How many did you take at Columbia? At the battle for the Pens? Well, will you not answer. Roberts shifted some in her seat,
Columbia probably none, I'm certain none at the Pens as you call it. Yes, standing orders are no prisoners. We might possibly change that order.

Alsip said that takes the Assembly and Senate to change that. I doubt that will happen. Roberts looked at him, I may have signed off on this. I can ask for a change, some will support me. I will look into this, I promise Sarna. Ansted smiled Roberts has a change of heart, most of the Army never agreed to this. Only your kind Alsip, political officer. Don't let they rank fool you, it's only a title nothing more. Roberts smiled, as you can see, even we don't agree all the time. Let's say it will be looked into. Louse could you hand them our writ on the punishment for officers captured and found guilty of not taking prisoners. Yes, Sarna, he passed out the paper. Sarna said read it, I'll explain it in depth.

Alsip shouted, no trial, Ranger handles all laws. Highest punishment is death and only death! What kind of Barbaric Law is this? Ben said I am going to stand I talk better standing. Sir if you are on that level! I only raise my voice, because you raised yours. Rangers start learning the Law as early as the age of ten.

Some not all know the military law.
The Ranger looks at the evidence hears the witnesses. Collects all the facts decides that persons fate. Killing an unarmed Soldier carries punishment of death, I could also brand the person as a coward. Let him walk around for a few days or weeks then kill him. That is the Law, nothing more. Alsip shook his head Barbaric I say.

Louse pointed at him, no more than you killing unarmed soldiers or women because they are red headed. Did they get a trial that you speak of?
Well, um, no they didn't. That is different I say different. Sarna shook her head, glaring at him, no I see no difference! Roberts raised her voice, please, we are getting no where! Yelling only makes us feel stronger! Sarna stood, we have the Impaling to discuss! Like Roberts said yelling gets us nowhere! We'll discuss that in the morning!
I am angry and tired. You don't realize who you are dealing with! Louse, show them where they will stay. One of your guards and mine will inform your Company awaiting you. Roberts stood I agree, we all need to relax, will you have food for us?

Yes, it will arrive shortly, you'll have a field ration meal like us. Leave all the papers on the desk. They nodded and stepped away.

Louse opened the door, please after you, as you can see three beds the fire is going. Table three chairs. Your guards can sleep in shifts, Miss Roberts a bed is in the loft that one you can use.
Alsip, you, I don't like. I think you had something to do with, that Impaling we saw. You Sir if you did, I'll take pleasure in ending your life. Good evening.

Roberts looked at them both, you two are fools. Bickering like children, Alsip could you not see, I was trying to make them think I cared about taking prisoners. Yes, it bothers me not taking them, how would we care for them? No more infighting! Impaling I never agreed to, this only strengthens their will. The Assembly said impale those that cause disruption. Not all redheaded ladies, or one because you feel like it! That I will enforce from now on! That's all I'm saying when the food arrives eat, no bickering. Ansted nodded I need to step out, fresh air.

Louse poured a drink sat, that Alsip is guilty of killing and impaling, I know it. Like to keep that one here, send the rest back. Ben nodded I figure as much, the one calls something barbaric but thinks his way is right, well says guilt to me.
I've no facts to base that on, only my gut feeling.
Sarna grinned, you two, don't you see it? They can't get along, three sides are trying to control.
None want to give in, Roberts or Alsip didn't look at the prisoner and death count, they didn't care.
Ansted looked he cares about it. Excuse me, yes, I care. Ben correct could I have some tobacco? Sure I'll step out have a smoke with you.  Louse pointed that one is a soldier Sarna. Believe you are right Louse.

You roll pretty good, I never could, why I smoke a pipe. I've gotten better, we didn't have this luxury back home. Pipe is a pain to carry around. Can I ask a question? Sure may not have an answer.
You take prisoners, you fight like mad dogs, when you have to. Yet I've seen you through field glasses helping our wounded, why Sir? Ben hit his pipe, that one is hard to put into words. Man or woman is hurt, after its all over. Why not help them, never know. May just stop the madness. Good answer Sir, it may do no good, I'll try and change things. Can't promise a thing. Knocking the fire off, till morning Ranger.

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