Tour - Meeting

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If you look down just past the earthen walls.
You'll see the battery we added. Four twenty pound Parrot guns. Six hundred pound guns.
Total of eight batteries positioned towards the
Ocean, we added after the Steel ship attack.

                                    Parrot Gun                       Sarna pointed at them impressive General heard you and the Stella sunk one here

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                                    Parrot Gun
Sarna pointed at them impressive General heard
you and the Stella sunk one here. Yes more Stanson than us, one sunk if we didn't have Stanson here keeping her busy. Think we would
have far more damage. Those Parrot guns should
make up the difference. Well that's it, you've seen
my fort. Believe you three have a dinner to attend,
I'll be along shortly inform our Admiral please.

Ben nodded yes General we will, thanks for showing us around. I don't get to show this place
off much. Three fine dignitaries the likes of you,
more than a pleasure. Excuse me I need to inform
my executive officer. I'll be away for awhile.

Sarna shook the Generals hand, we need more commanders like you. Take action quickly not
wait sit around. Make improvements quickly.
I'm proud to have met you. We'll see you in a
few minutes. Bye your leave General. No Sarna
bye yours. Norm smiled at Sarna, you meant that,
he could tell. Well shall we, I've never had grits and shrimp before. Sounds good. Ben said Bill
can cook now, I know that for a fact. Taking Sarna's
hand, we may just have someone on our side.
Rather like that General. Norm looked out at the
Ocean. I think you may have also, one that is willing to hear out all. They walked the beach back. Sarna listened and watched the surf.

It is so like home. Ben we will make our home
close to the Ocean right? Where ever you want.
The ocean an Island any where, my dear lady.
Norm walked listened to them, thinking to be
one. With all that is going on around them.
I hope both survive to have a long life. Be happy.
Sarna Ben, one last piece of advice while I'm thinking of it. These other Generals are far older
than the Fort Commander. They may not listen
hear you out. You may have be a little stern with
them. I'll try and keep them in place, if I interrupt
you. I'm only calming the situation or trying to
make something clear to them. I know at least two
other plans are being brought up. Present yours
last. Sarna said never go first, I'll hear them out.
Even if I don't agree. Norm laughed I knew you
would. Bill the General will be with us shortly.
Hope those grits and shrimp are ready to eat.

Norm they are ready, Owens pour us some wine.
Have the Generals glass ready also. So Norm
did you release the Winchester rifle yet?
Sarna looked at Bill, Winchester rifle? Release it.

Bill smiled, myself a few others have been slowly
releasing weapons and other things. From ancient
times. We knew least thought one day we would
need them. We must advance, if we don't well ya
see what we are up against. Norm nodded yes
the drawings and such were given to a man in
Wisconsin. Just waiting on a working model.

Bill took a drink fine Norm new you would see
to it. Ran up against a machine gun, took a few
mens lives. Sent the Stella home to get a few Martin guns. With a message to mount least
four per ship, to Lucas. Sarna said yes we ran
into a machine gun, near Columbia on a raid.
captured one. We may send it down to Lucas.
let him see how it works. Bill shouted do that!
If we know how it works can see it. Makes it
easier to duplicate. Ben lad how you doing?
Not said much, you doing fine lad?

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